Because you’re a know-nothing fool, better to keep silent rather than go public and erase all doubt.
The latest – you heard? That’s about the 98 Hollywood Jewish leaders who happily support Obama’s Iran Nuke Deal.
That should be enough, so you would think. People have an opinion, this way or that, and when it’s something so political, so scientific, so controversial, usually they debate it around the kitchen table and leave it there because if they’re wrong they stay wrong, but in silence.
If later it is proven that they were dead wrong, no harm done, because they kept it to themselves.
Not so the 98 Jewish Players. They decided to go ahead to tell the world what they think of the Deal.
They think it’s terrific.
So terrific that they published their support in LA’s edition of The Jewish Journal. They signed their names to proclaim themselves as experts to a
Now the entire world knows them as we know “the wise men of Chelm,” a synonym for people who are absolutely clueless.
deal that even scientists and lawyers still can’t figure out…except that it stinks. It reeks of doomsday.
But Jewish Hollywood knows better. They saw Obama’s name on it and stamped it kosher.
So now the entire world knows them as we know “the wise men of Chelm,” a synonym for people who are absolutely clueless.
Let me tell you something. A typical screenplay runs 120 pages. That makes it a typical two-hour movie since each page approximates a minute of film.
But before a movie goes into production, the script undergoes a hundred changes and even that’s not enough. Often a “script doctor” is called in to do more fixing. Sometimes it takes years before anybody is happy enough to give it the green light. But in the end, nobody is happy. It’s not quite right. It can always be better.
Julius and Philip Epstein were rewriting “Casablanca” even as the movie was being shot. Between scenes, Ingrid Bergman kept complaining that she did not know who she was supposed to be in love with, Humphrey Bogart or Paul Henreid. For “Gone With The Wind” F. Scott Fitzgerald was called in to do some tinkering, but was fired because he took liberties with Margaret Mitchell’s sainted novel.
Robert Bolt had to completely redo Michael Wilson’s script for “Lawrence of Arabia” before David Lean was happy enough to start shooting.
We’re still talking about a 120-page screenplay. That’s what they know, these Hollywood 98. That’s their business.
Now let’s talk about an Iran Nuke Deal that runs, we are told, more than 1,000 pages.
Are we to assume that Norman Lear and the rest of them read all that, word for word, and if they did, are we to assume that, in their careful consideration, this work is so perfect that it is ready for production? No rewrite necessary? Are there no plots and sub-plots that, according to the language of the trade, needs more work?
No, after careful study on their yachts and then sharing lunch at Spago, they concluded that they know best.
They know better …better than the nuclear physicists who declare the deal a flop favorable only to the mullahs of Iran.
Or is it that these Jewish Liberals remain so gaga for Obama that they don’t care who lives or dies, so long as Liberalism lives?
That’s got to be it because nothing else makes sense.
Hemingway never liked the movies they made from his novels. He was fond of giving the following advice – “Stick to what you know.”
Otherwise, we might add, you risk making complete fools of yourselves.
New York-based author and bestselling novelist Jack Engelhard writes a regular column for Arutz Sheva. His novel “Indecent Proposal” was translated into more than 22 languages and turned into a Paramount motion picture starring Robert Redford and Demi Moore. His latest thriller is “The Bathsheba Deadline.” Website:
Now the entire world knows them as we know “the wise men of Chelm,” a synonym for people who are absolutely clueless.
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