It’s not enough that some countries have banned some of my books; I need a real boycott, like the gift Matisyahu got.
Why him and not me? Why make him (more) rich and famous and leave me scratching?
The boycott against Matisyahu did wonders for him. That’s all people are talking about. After BDS succeeded and then FAILED to stop him from performing in Spain, his fame hit the roof. People ran to his defense. People saw the BDS trolls for what they are – a group of thugs feeding off crazed Jew-hatred.
People saw them, finally, as window smashers, scofflaws, delinquents…beer hall goons who use bullying as a tactic to sell their phony grievances. For once the world took notice and responded with disdain and disgust, and rallied against baseless hatred.
That doesn’t happen often enough but one step at a time will have to do.
People saw the BDS trolls for what they are – a group of thugs feeding off crazed Jew-hatred.
His popularity zoomed and his wealth, I am sure, doubled…overnight. His albums must be selling like crazy.
My books are doing okay, but nothing like that! I could use the coverage. I could use the backlash and thus the marketing that a boycott would bring.
I am just as Jewish and pro-Israel as he is – so where am I going wrong?
Where is MY boycott?
I have friends who are writers and filmmakers but struggling. They could also use some of that boycott magic.
The latest BDS stunt, the try that failed in Spain, did more to help Matisyahu and the cause in favor of Zionism than anything even Madison Avenue could dream up. What beautiful advertising. The caper backfired so badly that even BDS’ fellow travelers were forced back into the shadows….for the time being.
But it’s too late to hide for shame.
Soon the campuses will have BDS figured out.
In any case, where do I sign up? I’m ready for my close-up.
My pro-Israel credentials are all over the place. Read my columns. Read my books. I’m your kind of guy, a guy you should love to boycott, divest and sanction.
This just in…
I was invited to do a book signing in my neighborhood in Greenwich Village. I turned it down. I always do. I don’t do book signings.
For two reasons. One, I am not the type. That simple. I figure people will buy my books or they won’t.
Two, a concern, a nightmare, that only a small number of people will show up. All writers fear this.
But I could be talked into it if I could be assured that you guys, you BDS creeps, would come out publicly against my books.
I could use the favor. I am sure that if you picket me big time, book buyers will be lining up in droves.
Slowly, but it’s happening. People are wising up. Not so fast are they buying the blaspheming of Israel.
The BDS merchandising of hatred has grown entirely too stale.
New York-based author and bestselling Novelist Jack Engelhard writes aregular column for Arutz Sheva. Website:
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