I guess it’s not a moment too soon to respond to the 24 million readers who complained how wrong I was on Donald Trump.
I wrote that he lost Thursday night’s Fox News GOP Debate. I said he showed himself un-presidential and that the three moderators, principally Megyn Kelly, got to him. Made him look small. Charles Krauthammer agreed – but nobody else. Or so it seemed when emails started coming in saying we were both crazy. Trump was the winner by far.
Hundreds of messages came in but so passionate, so angry, that it sure felt like 24 million, exactly the number of viewers who tuned in for Fox’s 9 pm extravaganza – the largest viewership for any cable TV event aside sports. That’s a huge number and Trump has a huge following.
I used to be part of that following. Trump had me when he said that he was evicting illegal immigrants. Right On!
Tell me which Trump am I supposed to be rooting for -- the one who says something on Monday or something else on Tuesday?
Hello? That sounds like amnesty and Jeb Bush’s “act of love” routine. So is Trump against illegal immigration until he is for illegal immigration?
Tell me which Trump am I supposed to be rooting for -- the one who says something on Monday or something else on Tuesday?
Soon as he started getting big numbers he went wobbly. He became the worst of all things – a sniveling politician. His post-debate “blood” comment on CNN, suggesting that Megyn Kelly was suffering from a woman’s issue during the debate – classy. Real classy. What a guy!
I repeat; Trump is my kind of guy when he says to hell with political correctness. I love that kind of talk.
I love it when he says he’s going to get Mexico and China. They are not our friends, he says, and then …then he says that some of his best friends are China and Mexico.
Okay, forget the contradictions. Never mind the particulars, say his followers. Don’t worry. Leave it to Trump. He’ll take care of everything. Don’t ask questions.
Why? Because you won’t get any answers.
Megyn Kelly tried and maybe she tried too hard. Yes, she went after him in what amounted to a duel.
She went after him all right – and now people are saying SHE lost the debate.
She was the big loser, they say, for drilling him -- and drill him she did. Yes, she did single him out. But she is famous for that, for “the Kelly Moment.” That’s when she turns merciless even when she faces a fellow Conservative and she is a Conservative.
But she is only doing her job. It’s called Journalism.
Megyn Kelly won big as a journalist Thursday night…as did the entire Fox News team.
But thousands in Tweet-world want her fired from any future debates and plenty more want her fired from Fox, period. Some want the network fired.
Agreed – something is wrong when the Liberal Media, meaning all the rest of them, salute Fox News for a job well done. This can’t be good. When The New York Times congratulates Megyn Kelly it means she did them a favor. Liberal Media needs no help when it comes to blasting Conservatives and bashing Israel.
Speaking of Israel, did anyone pay attention to Carly Fiorina? She won the earlier debate hands down, and she offered particulars.
Particularly, she said that her first phone call as President would be to Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to assure him of America’s full support.
That’s called straight talk. Some may have forgotten what that sounds like.
New York-based novelist Jack Engelhard writes a regular column for ArutzSheva. Website: www.jackengelhard.com
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