First let’s remember that in Hollywood there is nothing worse than a bad hair day.
Next – there is something about West Coast movie people that is not quite right. They are so good at what they do when they read lines that somebody else wrote. But thinking for yourself is quite another skill, and that’s where we find Natalie Portman in remarks without a script.
The bred-in-Jerusalem Oscar-winning beauty told Britain’s The Independent that Jews ought to stop kvetching about the Holocaust. The Shoah is not so special. Other people suffer, too, like the Rwandans and their Genocide – and how about the pain and suffering when two starlets show up at the Oscars wearing the same gown!
She didn’t put it quite like that, but when I read her remarks I thought maybe I’m not seeing straight, that it was Mahmoud Abbas being quoted. The leader of the PA thugs is a famous Holocaust denier.
Natalie is not that – but too close for comfort. Israel bashing is not enough? We need this?
All participants in the industry must think alike, or else – or else it’s sitcoms.
In her defense, the obvious – she is beautiful and beautiful people have certain rights, like the right to be clueless. But she earned a degree in psychology from Harvard, so ignorance won’t do as an excuse. So it must be Hollywood. All participants in the industry must think alike, or else – or else it’s sitcoms.
Upon arrival at any dream factory they school you into Group Conformity and Proper Liberal Orthodoxy. Casting no longer begins at the couch but with the question, “How do you feel about Obama?” Check “love him” if you want the part and a career.
Next question: “What TV news channel do you watch?” CNN is acceptable. But MSNBC is better.
If you say “Fox” say Sayonara.
So imagine the brainwashing she endured, our Natalie. No joke. To go from I Left My Heart in Jerusalem to trifling the Holocaust, someone must have done quite a job on her. So I am willing to cut her some slack. She misspoke. She was misquoted. She got up late. A heel broke. The director was being nasty.
David Lean never spoke to actors as people. He considered them a different (lower) caste. I don’t agree.
Despite it all, I choose to suspend judgment on Natalie Portman. She is too attractive, too talented, too Israeli to dislike.
She deserves a chance to rethink and to beg forgiveness. Our High Holy Days are coming up. There are plenty of synagogues in town.
Only trouble is, many of them are run by the same “rabbis” who publicly supported Obama’s Iran Nuke
Deal, a recipe for genocide upon the heads of both the United States and Israel. Even Rwanda. That is another reason to go easy on Natalie. She is only part of the problem.
She is but the latest in this outbreak of foolishness, this epidemic of betrayal that has gripped our people.
At least she’s beautiful. What’s their excuse?
New York-based author and bestselling novelist Jack Engelhard writes a regular column for Arutz Sheva. His novel “Indecent Proposal” was translated into more than 22 languages and turned into a Paramount motion picture starring Robert Redford and Demi Moore. His latest thriller is “The Bathsheba Deadline.” Website:
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