The temper tantrum that revealed the truth about the UK PM.
Published: Sunday, February 28, 2016 12:13 PM
Wow! That was some temper tantrum, Mr. Cameron, and we can’t help but notice that your first name mirrors the Hebrew king who anointed Jerusalem.
That was 3,000 years ago when Jerusalem was consecrated for the Jewish people onto eternity, through David. Please read your bible, Mr. Cameron. Read it in the original, the Hebrew, though the King James Version would serve to make the same case in favor of Israel.
What has changed to make you breathe fire against your namesake, against Israel, against the Jewish people?
Apparently someone got to you, namely Shawan Jabarin from Ramallah who’s been murmuring that Jerusalem is becoming too Jewish.
He says, “Since Israel's annexation of East Jerusalem in 1967, it had implemented a comprehensive policy to deepen its control over the city by weakening Palestinian presence and ties there” -- and now even you say this and I ask, what exactly is the problem with Jews finally returning to their ancestral home?
Arthur James Balfour would ask you the same question. I doubt that Lord Balfour would view with favor your outburst as when last week you told the House of Commons that you found it “genuinely shocking” how “occupied East Jerusalem” is being encircled by “illegal settlements.”
Occupied? Illegal? We expect such delusions, myths and blood libels from Ramallah. But not from London.
You told your House, “I am well-known as being a strong friend of Israel.”
No you are not. Not in my house.
The phrase “occupied Jerusalem,” so wrong, so hurtful, brings with it terrible mischief among allies and disharmony among friends as you will read here when entire newsrooms, from the BBC to the Manhattan Independent squared off in revolt as to which side to take upon a fact settled through scripture and tradition.
You continued, “It’s very important that this capital city is maintained in the way that it was in the past.”
A moment ago we discussed Jerusalem and how it was in the past. Under King David is how it was in the past, followed by generations of Hebrew kings who shared his bloodlines. That is how it was and precisely how it is. Note this as well: No “Palestinian presence” in sight from one millennium to the next.
Suddenly here they are, since 1964, a people that materialized through fiction, and it all belongs to them?
That you buy an argument so false is one problem. But since we are dealing with “facts on the ground” here’s the big question:
Why are you even speaking about Israel, pro or con? Why is Israel your business? You have enough to worry about in your own backyard.
We hear no “genuinely shocking” indignation from you as regards the rape epidemic sweeping your country.
Just today six of these Rotherham gangsters were brought to justice as reported by The Independent. (UK)
Why are you even speaking about Israel, pro or con? Why is Israel your business? You have enough to worry about in your own backyard.
“The scale of the abuse in Oxfordshire, a county in southeast England, mirrors similarly shocking accounts of the sexual exploitation of white British girls by Muslim gangs in Bristol, Derby, Rochdale, Rotherham and Telford, and implies that the problem is not isolated, but endemic.”
Yes, British girls are being raped throughout your country. People are afraid to speak up for fear of being termed islamophobic – plus the fear of retaliatory abuse from the same gangs who stalk your cities, towns and villages and do so under the cover of a nationwide conspiracy of silence.
It would be different if these victims, thousands of them, had someone to plead their cause. The British prime minister would be the perfect man.
But you, sir, are busy with Israel and your concern for the Palestinians, who apparently are nearer to your heart than your own citizens and children.
Now that…yes that is genuinely shocking.