Sunday, February 28, 2016


The temper tantrum that revealed the truth about the UK PM.

Published: Sunday, February 28, 2016 12:13 PM

Wow! That was some temper tantrum, Mr. Cameron, and we can’t help but notice that your first name mirrors the Hebrew king who anointed Jerusalem.

That was 3,000 years ago when Jerusalem was consecrated for the Jewish people onto eternity, through David. Please read your bible, Mr. Cameron. Read it in the original, the Hebrew, though the King James Version would serve to make the same case in favor of Israel.

What has changed to make you breathe fire against your namesake, against Israel, against the Jewish people?

Apparently someone got to you, namely Shawan Jabarin from Ramallah who’s been murmuring that Jerusalem is becoming too Jewish.

He says, “Since Israel's annexation of East Jerusalem in 1967, it had implemented a comprehensive policy to deepen its control over the city by weakening Palestinian presence and ties there” -- and now even you say this and I ask, what exactly is the problem with Jews finally returning to their ancestral home?

Arthur James Balfour would ask you the same question. I doubt that Lord Balfour would view with favor your outburst as when last week you told the House of Commons that you found it “genuinely shocking” how “occupied East Jerusalem” is being encircled by “illegal settlements.”

Occupied? Illegal? We expect such delusions, myths and blood libels from Ramallah. But not from London.

You told your House, “I am well-known as being a strong friend of Israel.”

No you are not. Not in my house.

The phrase “occupied Jerusalem,” so wrong, so hurtful, brings with it terrible mischief among allies and disharmony among friends as you will read here when entire newsrooms, from the BBC to the Manhattan Independent squared off in revolt as to which side to take upon a fact settled through scripture and tradition.

You continued, “It’s very important that this capital city is maintained in the way that it was in the past.”

A moment ago we discussed Jerusalem and how it was in the past. Under King David is how it was in the past, followed by generations of Hebrew kings who shared his bloodlines. That is how it was and precisely how it is. Note this as well: No “Palestinian presence” in sight from one millennium to the next.

Suddenly here they are, since 1964, a people that materialized through fiction, and it all belongs to them?

That you buy an argument so false is one problem. But since we are dealing with “facts on the ground” here’s the big question:

Why are you even speaking about Israel, pro or con? Why is Israel your business? You have enough to worry about in your own backyard.

We hear no “genuinely shocking” indignation from you as regards the rape epidemic sweeping your country.

Just today six of these Rotherham gangsters were brought to justice as reported by The Independent. (UK)

Why are you even speaking about Israel, pro or con? Why is Israel your business? You have enough to worry about in your own backyard.
But generally your government and your news media are guilty of a colossal cover up. Since you are so alert to anything illegal, we would have expected you to drop Israel as an obsession, but obsess rather on an issue that demands your immediate attention, as we finally learned from one report as follows:

“The scale of the abuse in Oxfordshire, a county in southeast England, mirrors similarly shocking accounts of the sexual exploitation of white British girls by Muslim gangs in Bristol, Derby, Rochdale, Rotherham and Telford, and implies that the problem is not isolated, but endemic.”

Yes, British girls are being raped throughout your country. People are afraid to speak up for fear of being termed islamophobic – plus the fear of retaliatory abuse from the same gangs who stalk your cities, towns and villages and do so under the cover of a nationwide conspiracy of silence.

It would be different if these victims, thousands of them, had someone to plead their cause. The British prime minister would be the perfect man.

But you, sir, are busy with Israel and your concern for the Palestinians, who apparently are nearer to your heart than your own citizens and children.

Now that…yes that is genuinely shocking.

Wednesday, February 24, 2016


Hatred is what they do and it is all they do.

Published: Wednesday, February 24, 2016 9:04 PM

I write this as we learn that another Israeli has been killed as the result of the latest Palestinian terror attack, this time in Gush Etzion.

Nothing seems to stop this. Nothing seems to work. Israel has tried everything to turn these people into good neighbors, and it only gets worse.

Along with the rocks and the knives on the local scene, the Palestinian Arabs have moved their terrorism onto global warfare.

The mosques continue to blare incitement nonstop. The Palestinian-BDS movement continues to spread hatred from campus to campus, for hatred is what they do and it is all they do.

These people make nothing, invent nothing, contribute nothing. A bogus claim is all they’ve got. They are good at spreading it thick and thin.

Montreal’s McGill University is the latest to swallow from their cup of deceit.

London Tube trains carry BDS posters to further the Palestinian Arab cause, which is to murder as many Jews as possible in Israel and around the world.

On top of all that, behold, it’s Universal Apartheid Week, yet another gift to the world from the people who can’t seem to get the hang of acting civilized.

This is a global jihad, ladies and gentlemen. The last to figure this out are the Israelis, who should be the first.

It’s Global Jihad, stupid.
Because it was in Israel where this worldwide plague got started and can’t seem to get finished despite extended favors.

We are talking about concessions up the hilt…building freezes, handshakes with Arafat and Abbas over a suicidal two-state solution, lopsided prisoner exchanges, the Gaza Expulsion of Israelis, and worst of all perhaps, the Oslo Accords, where Israel’s leadership helped create this monster.

The wheeling and dealing was all done with one purpose in mind – the hope that one day the Palestinians would be appeased enough to become civilized.

One fine day, it was hoped, these Palestinian Arab Muslims would stop behaving like savages.

The dream persists, evidence to the contrary. Last week yet another high-ranking member of Israel’s military offered defeatism as his advice –

More concessions. He wasn’t kidding.

Some people simply do not learn and it is tempting to blame the Left, only it is Benjamin Netanyahu who continues to freeze Jewish territory. It was Ariel Sharon who committed the Gaza atrocity. So Israel submits itself and belittles itself from within, and from Left to Right.

Does anyone in Israel know what’s really going on outside in the big world? It’s Global Jihad, stupid.

They are everywhere, these jihadists. They are targeting everyone. They can’t be tamed and no amount of knee-bending will make a damn bit of difference.

Israel gets picked on because it is there, because it is Jewish, and because it fights with one hand and never goes for the knockout. Never.

After today’s Gush Etzion attack, which took the life of Eliyav Gelman, a Reserve Captain, 30, father of two, we are sure to weep, to grieve, to hear calls for vengeance, and to rest assured that everything is being done to catch the terrorists and bring them to justice.

Sorry – too late. Everything should have been done BEFORE, not AFTER.

Like what? Like what I have been writing for years – zero tolerance.

That is something I shouldn’t have to figure out for the politicians and for the military high brass. They should know what to do.

A nation that was outgunned 1,000 to one back in 1948 but still prevailed ought to know how to prevail against the knives of 2016.

But the beginning of wisdom for this type of warfare is to understand that this enemy cannot be softened through concession trophies in Israel or anywhere else around the world. No, it’s time to realize that this truly is a clash of civilizations, made worse by the fact that the other side is totally uncivilized.

Deal with it now and take no prisoners.

Saturday, February 20, 2016


Even Hollywood is more simpatico to Israel than Israel is to Israel, so far as movie making, which isn’t saying much.

Published: Friday, February 19, 2016 1:00 PM

I can’t remember the last time I saw an Arab-made movie that disparaged the Arabs. That’s because there was no first time.

If, after all, someone dared to get it done, the film surely got cut to shreds, along with the actors, producers, and the director.

This much is certain; no such film was ever made with funds provided by the government, any Arab government.

Which takes us to some place else altogether, namely Israel. Not quite Hollywood or Bollywood, but they do make movies, some good ones, but as Arutz Sheva columnist Tzvi Fishman reminds us, a lopsided number of Israeli films made by Israelis are anti-Israel.

No other country does this to itself.

No other government says to its filmmaking community, “Here’s the money. Now go make a movie that makes us look bad.”

Which appears to be how it works in Israel when the Left controls the Arts. I can’t amplify on Fishman.

He’s a rabbi who knows the screen trade very well from a highly successful career as a Hollywood scriptwriter. I’ve been a huge fan of his journalism; love his torpedo approach to the craft. Readhim. He spills the beans.

I have frequently asked if Leon Uris’s “Exodus” would get a major studio’s green light today and the answer is no.
As for me, I’ve had my Hollywood moments as an observer and as a participant and I can say that even Hollywood is more simpatico to Israel than Israel is to Israel, so far as movie making, which isn’t saying much, but it’s something. Fishman asks (my paraphrasing), When was the last time you saw a film that featured Israel in an idealized or heroic light?

Never, is what I can say. I can also say that artists who blast their own people in words or in pictures operate from a type of insanity.

To be honest, I can’t say that I have watched enough Israeli-made films to qualify as an authority. I trust Fishman.

I also trust my own instinct. When I hear about something new coming out from Israel to a theater near me, I know what’s coming. Another bashing. Another portrayal of Jews as the heavies. This is so 95 percent of the time, or so it seems. I did enjoy the Talmudic father/son drama “Footnotes.”

But is there a DeMille anywhere in the house to think in epic proportions? I ask this about Israel and Hollywood. Imagine a movie that presents the heroes of the Hebrew Bible as true to the Hebrew Bible. Imagine a movie that presents the glory of modern-day Israel in war and peace.

Frankly I can’t. Not today. I have frequently asked if Leon Uris’s “Exodus” would get a major studio’s green light today and the answer is no.

Neither would DeMille’s “The Ten Commandments” stand a chance. For all its flaws, the movie did make it clear that the subject was Moses and the Hebrews.

Not so when, years ago, ABC-TV decided DeMille (or even G-d) wasn’t good enough, so the network produced its new and improved version – only there was no mention of Moses or the Hebrews. All that was ethnically cleansed out so that we heard that someone, a “leader” was bringing his “people” to some place. End of story.

Whitewashing, when not bashing, appears to be the trend to write Jews out of the past and the present, Israel (the Left) and Hollywood equally to blame.

ABC-TV is back at it again. This time the network is planning a program on King David, as part of its

“Gods and Prophets” series.

Oy vey is all I can say about that!

On the topic in general, I hear you say – come on, it’s only a movie. Well, movies, big and small, can make a difference.

All movies are propaganda…even if they simply change how we dress, the slang we use, the people we separate from heroes to villains.

People think this way when Israel is shown in all its glory, and people think that way when Israel is portrayed darkly. The influence is undeniable.

Particularly so when documentaries are on tap.

PBS did a “Frontline” overview of terrorism. You are thinking Islamic terrorism, right? No, it was about “the settlers.” The two-hour program searched for Jewish terrorists and found none except one, a man who tried some funny business but failed; he failed as a terrorist and he failed as a neighbor. No Israeli wanted anything to do with him.

But the program aired. All Israel was tainted and painted with one brush over a single individual. Meanwhile, on PBS Islamic terrorism does not exist.

How many viewers were influenced by this? I say plenty. If we say the news media is largely responsible for much of the anti-Semitism sweeping the world, well, film, this too is a medium, equally influential and similarly dangerous when shared with millions from the wrong hands.

In the right hands, like Pierre Rehov’s “Silent Exodus” we learn the true story about the million-plus Jews evicted from their homes in Arab lands.

Rehov, a French-Israeli, is a valiant battle-tested documentarian. He’s made a number of one-the-spot documentaries frequently from behind enemy lines. But raising the money has been a tough sell for a “right wing” point of view. Somehow he has managed to get it done, and done so very well.

From others – where are you? Where’s the movie about the gutsy reinvigorated nation that could?

Against all odds! What a story!

In Israel, and often in America, the money and the laurels go to the Zionist scoffers and the moral equivalency boys.

That is a pity – and particularly in Israel, there is something wrong with this plot.

Monday, February 15, 2016


Don’t engage. Don’t discuss. Don’t debate. There is no reasoning with savages. They want to hear from you, but only to shout you down.

Published: Monday, February 15, 2016 12:03 PM

First let’s understand what we ‘re talking about. We are talking about thugs who learned their tactics from the Brown Shirts of yesteryear -- the means to disrupt, intimidate, bully and terrorize.

Back then they spoke mostly German. Today they speak mostly Arabic even if it’s in English.

The target? The Jews. Anybody else? Nobody else.

Think Kristallnacht (the infamous Night of Breaking Glass) – except on a daily basis, not just one night – and focused on every business imaginable, and the campuses.

Nearly every college and university in the United States has them, and has them ready to “break glass” and riot against anything Jewish or Israeli.

Mostly a Muslim phenomenon, some Christians and even some Jews have signed on. You know who you are and shame on you.

The movement, it is said, began in 2005. Partly correct. More accurately, it begin in 1965 when Ted Kennedy and Lyndon Johnson pushed through an immigration act that for the first time limited these immigrants, people familiar with Judeo/Christian values (Europeans), in favor of those immigrants, people coming from lands where it’s sharia or die.

This is the result.

Instead of assimilated youngsters, we have a generation processed through ancient Jew-hatred, many of them professional agitators, bought and paid for by Saudi Arabia and similar countries that spend billions to buy influence within one university to the next, including the Ivy Leagues.

The bullying is organized and non-stop. Jewish students are suffering. A group of them, readers of my books and columns, asked for a meeting and we met. They were energized, they said, by a particular story of mine in “Escape From Mount Moriah.” They pointed to the four-page essay, “A Jewish Soldier.” (Chapter 17.)

Was it true? Did it really happen? Can one incident really turn everything around and transform weaklings into fighters and winners?

Of course it’s true. It’s a memoir. It happened in Montreal. But it can happen anywhere and end just as well.

So we talked and over a period of days agreed on a call to action based on “A Jewish Soldier.” (A close second was “The Purple Gang.” Chapter 10.)

We are calling it “The One Bully at a Time Principle.”  As follows:

1. Jewish students at UCLA got it right. Finally! BDS threw a party, but Jewish students didn’t show up. The student government passed a resolution to boycott the Jewish State but was in turn boycotted. The snub left the boycotters jabbering and hi-fiving among themselves, leaving no doubt that their designs are totally one-sided and illegitimate,

When one of theirs gets up to speak, disrupt, jeer, heckle, shout him down. Let them know how it feels.
2 Don’t engage. Don’t discuss. Don’t debate. There is no reasoning with savages. They want to hear from you, but only to shout you down.

3. Keep in mind that these BDS types are not “fellow students.” They are trained specialists. You will never win the argument through talk.

4. Win the argument through action. Do keep clear of them when you can. But when the opportunity arises, use their tactics – only double.

5. When one of theirs gets up to speak, disrupt, jeer, heckle, shout him down. Let them know how it feels.

6. Not Jewish, you say? Yes it is. Read your Bible. We were never meant to be pushovers. Israel did not win its many wars by rolling over. Moreover it’s a Krav Maga maneuver. Use your opponent’s strength against him and for your own benefit. Use whatever is at hand to defend yourself in a street fight. (Isn’t that what this is?) Anything goes for the sake of winning. There are no limits.

7. Learn self-defense. Judo, karate, most certainly Krav Maga, the Israeli/IDF method. Toughen up.

8. Don’t scatter your power. Focus on one institution, one individual at a time. Send the message. That’s how we did it that one day in Montreal.

9. Pick the toughest college, the place where BDS terrorism is most heated. Today this appears to be Vassar. Go there in numbers. Bully back!

Cause a ruckus they’ll never forget. (Stop being Nice Jewish Boys. This is not cute or funny anymore. It has become harmful.)

How to get this organized? Don’t ask me. You’re smart. You’ll figure it out.

10. Pick the toughest kid. That’s how we did it when our toughest kid (Doodie) picked their toughest kid, beat him up, and the rest went running for their lives. Our streets were never completely safe even after that, but MUCH safer than before. Our French Canadian tormentors now had to think twice before starting anything.

I understand. We’re asking Jewish kids to act differently. But this is war and we are all in it together whether we like it or not.

Turn to your Hebrew Scriptures, go to the Book of Exodus, read the last phrase from the chapter Beshalach, and be amazed. (I sure was.)

Read – “G-d maintains a war against Amalek from generation to generation.”

So on it goes. Be prepared for a lengthy battle. Each of us must do his part. But look Who is on our side.

Friday, February 12, 2016


 Bernie is not harmless, he is dangerous, and for more reasons than one.

Published: Thursday, February 11, 2016 9:40 AM

Seriously? Yes, seriously. After trouncing Hillary in New Hampshire, Bernie Sanders could go all the way – even to the White House.

Never thought I’d say that, but there it is, kids, and speaking of kids, 84 percent of the Youth Vote went to Bernie.

College kids love him, which makes no sense. Do they know he’s Jewish?

From the Campus Front Lines we have it that our universities are turning out a generation of anti-Semites, due to an infiltration, a plague, an infestation of brutes sent over from Arab lands… Yes, BDS, SJP or whatever else they call themselves to make life miserable for Jewish students.

So with that many of the non-Jewish (and some Jewish) young infected with the virus – how to explain their love for Bernie?

Or are we mistaken? It’s really not that bad for Jewish kids on campus. Oh but it is. It’s terrible. I’ve just met a few sophomores and seniors. We talked.

Bernie is mostly anti-Israel, and that makes him cool.
Later I will disclose some possible solutions we arrived at to combat the terror on campus, but meanwhile there’s Bernie.

They’re all in for Bernie despite everything. He’s Jewish but among anti-Semites it’s okay to be Jewish so long as you are not too Jewish.

Bernie is mostly anti-Israel, and that makes him cool. He boycotted Bibi’s address to Congress, is for splitting Israel in half and against supplying the Jewish State with needed weaponry. Did you hear? In his 50-minute New Hampshire victory speech he paused from politics for a personal touch.

He said that he was brought up by parents who came from Poland, period. So he was raised by Polish parents. Not Jewish. Necessarily.

Please notice that campus bullies never target Polish students. So Bernie left it at that and the kids kept cheering.

Do they know anything else about him? Well, he is not Hillary and between you and me, that could be his big secret. Nobody likes Hillary.

It is no secret however that he is a socialist, which makes him a Communist. I am still catching raves and flak from what I wrote about all this in a recent column. But I repeat that this country cannot afford another Democrat in the White House, neither Hillary nor Bernie.

Do they love Bernie because he appears to be a harmless old man? Socialists are never harmless, old or young.

Obama is young and look what he did to us.

Do they love Bernie because he intends give everything away for free, even college tuition?

Kids adore that kind of talk. Kids tend to be Liberal. Later they will be asked to pay 90 percent of their incomes for taxes. (Bernie says so.)

Meanwhile they are young, young and in love, in love with Bernie.

No, appearances to the country, Bernie is not harmless. Bernie is dangerous.

So are all those 1960s Radicals who aim to bring back some of that old time religion, Liberal Dogma, the hazards of which we covered in thisthriller that foretold the damage being done to our young through professorial, political and cultural indoctrination. That is why the kids know nothing. They sure don’t know socialism.

People who love the idea of a Jewish President – do you know what you are asking?  His first job will be to prove how un-Jewish he can be. Think Kissinger.

If you think Israel is in the doghouse now with President Obama, just wait for President Sanders.

When he makes a mistake, as Presidents always do, he won’t be a liberal anymore. He won’t be Polish. He will be a Jew.

If by chance he shows any sign of favoritism for the Jewish State, be prepared for anti-Semites to come storming out of the closet.

Better, I say, to have them show their true colors now, or better yet, disperse and disappear.

Rather now than later, when it will be too late.

Tuesday, February 9, 2016


US and Israel: Candidates but no visionaries

Where are the Reagan's who make us gaze forward?
Published: Tuesday, February 09, 2016 9:28 AM

Anything missing from these debates? Or am I the only one who seeks but cannot find a vision, a sense of destiny among the candidates?

Promises, yes. But nothing to make us dream that even the sky is not the limit as we had it from JFK and Ronald Reagan.

That goes for both sides, Republicans and Democrats. Neither gives much besides tired rhetoric and clichés.

That, plus the sniping, the snarling and the feuding, as if making your opponent look bad makes you look good.

So what’s in it for us if Jeb got even with Trump? In football, yes, Cam Newton got his comeuppance. But we are talking about the future of the world’s two, yes two, great citadels of democracy, the United States and Israel, the only powers capable of saving the universe from total collapse into the arms Islamic strangulation.

Instead of gazing forward, politicians here and there have lost or forfeited the ability to THINK BIG.

Israel’s formidable man of gallantry Yaacov Katz wrote a wonderful piecein Arutz Sheva the other day where he listed his own complaints in respect to Israel’s wobbled sense of direction. He produced the perfect quote that sums it all up for both Israel and America, as follows from Proverbs 29:

“Where there is no vision, the people perish.”

At about the moment that went to print, we heard from Israel’s Labor leader Yizhak Herzog that Israel has to start thinking small.

Retreat is not a vision, Mr. Herzog.

Nobody dreams about moving backwards, Liberals the exception. People need a reason to get up in the morning. So do nations. To aspire is to be human.

The Jewish State, in Liberal eyes, is too big. The Arabs don’t have enough room. The Arabs surround Israel with 22 countries, but that is still not enough.

They need half of Jerusalem and whatever else Liberals wish to give – which is plenty and a recipe for national suicide. Bibi himself will never dare speak of enlarging Israel. Israel is denied, or rather denies itself the quest of greatness, and that is a pity.

Which takes us to the comedy team of Bernie versus Hillary and Bernie was funny all right with Larry David on SNL and that’s where he ought to stay.

The Communist from Vermont was cut out for buffoonery. “Saturday Light Live” was made for silliness and is there anything sillier than a man running for president on the chance to raise taxes to incredible heights (up to 90 percent) for anybody who is rich?

For Bernie, anybody who earns a living, even paycheck to paycheck, is rich and too prosperous and must be punished.

That’s a vision?

Hillary? I have no idea what the hell she has in mind. We only know that she is trying to stay out of jail. That’s her vision.

I call a plumber when I need things fixed. From leadership I want some poetry.
What plans she has besides doing to us what Obama has already done – I don’t know. Obama got to us first, anyway.

We do know that thinking small is what got Obama into office. He came. He saw. He shrunk us at home and abroad.

Not so the Republicans, thank goodness. Give it to Trump to pick it up from Reagan to “make this country great again.”

Meaning what? When JFK promised us “a new frontier” he meant that America was ready to reach for the moon. He promised. He delivered.

Trump may still be my man. I like his swagger. Am I sure about him? No. But if nominated, I will vote for him, or for any Republican.

I like all of them on the GOP side. But I am not sold. I am not sure about any of them. None of them offers a big picture.

Republicans are friendly to Israel far above Democrats but Trump’s assertion that he would force Israel to make concessions is a worry.

Mostly it’s been about the economy, okay, and immigration, good, and Radical Islam, terrific. They are all about “fixing things.”

I call a plumber when I need things fixed. From leadership I want some poetry.

Reagan’s “shining house on the hill,” now that was poetry. That was vision. He gave us pride, prosperity and power.

He talked big. He produced big. How about some of that rubbing off on today’s hopefuls lest we perish?

Friday, February 5, 2016


Communism sucks. Socialism does too. Ask the people who survived both systems.

Published: Friday, February 05, 2016 8:07 AM

As Fidel came to power in 1959, how many Americans slid onto rafts to get into Cuba? Or took the last ship to Havana? I’ll need actual names.

Attention to all you college kids out there so starry-eyed for Bernie – are you serious?

But you’re young. Far and wide you’ve been educated by Liberal pro-BDS professors, so you’re not expected to know too much except that the two most reliable beacons of tolerance and liberty, the United States and Israel, are on the wrong side of history.

Pure brainwashing, but you will grow up. There is no excuse however for people already grown up who still cheer for Bernie Sanders and Hillary Clinton.

You really think socialism is okay?

Let’s be clear. There is no difference between socialists, liberals and progressives. They are all Communists, or shades of the same mentality.

Either way, it’s about taking from the rich and giving it to the poor in order to make everybody equal, meaning equally miserable. It’s also about a one-man show. No checks. No balances. Like Obama visiting a Baltimore mosque to offer Muslims his love and concern.

But Obama visited no synagogue to share Jewish grief for loved ones being slain in Israel, most recently the 19-year-old woman of valor Hadar Cohen.

Nor has Mr. Obama ever shared concern for Jews being tormented on campus.

One man, one rule, can be so arbitrary.

Communism sucks. Ask the people who lived there. Call it by its more pleasant and more acceptable name, socialism; same answer. Unbearable.

The only people who win under that system are the medaled guys on the Kremlin balcony waving down to the impoverished suckers.

The system is so rotten that even Putin isn’t a socialist/Communist anymore. Russia gave it up, more or less, for its own type of free enterprise.
The system works beautifully for those who rule. Like Stalin and all the rest. They get the fat. The people get the lean. If that much.

The rulers own chalets and mistresses and vacation on the Riviera. The masses stand miles deep waiting for a loaf of bread.

That’s the deal Bernie and Hillary are selling. In fact the two of them are out there dueling for the most extreme spot on the Left.

The system is so rotten that even Putin isn’t a socialist/Communist anymore. Russia gave it up, more or less, for its own type of free enterprise

The people actually living under Communism hated the damned thing. The Soviets needed tanks to keep the folks roped in.

The burghers of East Berlin looked over at West Berlin and asked, why can’t we too have food, clothing, bright lights, big cities – freedom and chocolates?

Since the turn of the 1900s, we’ve always had Americans infatuated by the lures of Marxist-Leninism so long as they remained infatuated from Beverly Hills, or Fifth Avenue. These fellow travelers gushed for Communism from such places as The New York Times and The New York Review of Books.

Would they actually want to live in a Communist Paradise? Are you kidding? Leave my table at Saju Bistro and Katz’s Deli?

The Times did have a particularly famous correspondent who reported from the Soviet Union. That was Walter Duranty. Yes he did win a Pulitzer. But he remains famous for whitewashing the sins of Communism, like forgetting to mention the 1932-1933 widespread famines in the USSR, particularly the mass starvation in the Ukraine.

More recently Warren Beatty comes to mind as among our elites so taken in by “Reds,” the name of a (1981) movie he made about American John Reed who went over to Russia to join the Socialist Revolution. Beatty made it seem so romantic and dandy. Notice, however, that after the filming and following the Oscar for Best Director, Beatty still lunches at Wolfgang Puck’s Spago.

Communism sounds terrific, but only from a dreamy distance.

For some reason, to this day the attraction still holds among the young and the stupid.

There is no cure, I suppose, for such a grand delusion.

I once worked for a guy in Philly who, as usual, called himself a socialist but was, as usual, actually a Communist.

Over coffee, I said, “But Lou, don’t you know that Stalin murdered 90 million of his own people?”

“He did not!” Lou shot back in Stalin’s defense. “Only 60 million.”

Who can argue with that?