We must be careful to get permission to say or do anything.
Published: Monday, December 28, 2015 6:19 AM
My friend the New York City dramatist had a few stage hits in a row and then a few failures in a row, mostly because of a particular reviewer.
This was Frank Rich (if I remember correctly)The New York Times reviewer known as “The Butcher of Broadway” and for good reason.
A bad review from Rich meant curtains.
So as my friend started on his next play he figured “what’s the use” all this toil for possibly nothing.
Why not send the Butcher what he had written so far and ask if it’s okay to proceed.
I forget what resulted. This was some time ago. But today we are not talking stage plays or movies.
We are talking about anything anybody says or writes…particularly if it involves politics and Islam.
We need permission to proceed. We need to phone first. Whom to call? Start with your local chapter of CAIR. Or dial Hillary for clearance.

Hillary wants you to behave…behave like good little infidels.
Hillary says Trump’s rhetoric is so inflammatory that it serves as a recruitment tool for ISIS.
Hillary says we must choose our words carefully otherwise ISIS, Boko Haram, Hamas, Fatah and the rest of them may get their feathers ruffled.
They are terribly sensitive people, these Islamic terrorists. Doesn’t take much to get them riled up. Read this!
Just the other day, somewhere in Denmark, a tiny Israeli flag had to be removed from the window of someone’s apartment building.
Recently imported migrants were offended. They are very touchy even as guests. So when they came and murdered 3,000 of our people in New York and when they kidnapped, enslaved and murdered thousands more elsewhere here and around the world – someone must have said something.
No, it wasn’t Trump. Hillary can’t even support her allegation that Trump unintentionally helped ISIS recruit.
So it is not always Trump, y’know. The rest of us might blurt out some remark that makes them burn Paris and go rampaging from Jerusalem to San Bernardino.
But since we don’t know exactly what it is that will trigger those people, it’s best to clam up. Forget that we are Americans.
“We are the world.” Stick to Climate Change. That’s safe. Talk weather and nobody gets hurt.
Never mind free speech. Forget the Constitution. Goodbye Bill of Rights. Hillary and her fellow Liberals want you to know that it’s time to submit.
Between them and us, the future belongs to them, radicalized Islam.
Hillary wants you to behave…behave like good little infidels.
In other words, this nation that once bowed to no one is now prepared to get on its knees to any confederacy of extremists that comes down the pike.
As they owe us nothing except mindless hatred, we owe them our respect.
At least that’s the promise of what it will be like if Hillary gets elected…or rather, it will be more of the same, with worse to come.
A vote for Hillary is a vote for the hijab. Hillary is counting on a particular demographic to rally around her flag of submission.
Women and children first.
This could backfire among Americans who’ve grown accustomed their liberties and who may not be so quick to surrender their freedoms.
There are no feminists on a sinking ship.
This was Frank Rich (if I remember correctly)The New York Times reviewer known as “The Butcher of Broadway” and for good reason.
A bad review from Rich meant curtains.
So as my friend started on his next play he figured “what’s the use” all this toil for possibly nothing.
Why not send the Butcher what he had written so far and ask if it’s okay to proceed.
I forget what resulted. This was some time ago. But today we are not talking stage plays or movies.
We are talking about anything anybody says or writes…particularly if it involves politics and Islam.
We need permission to proceed. We need to phone first. Whom to call? Start with your local chapter of CAIR. Or dial Hillary for clearance.
Hillary wants you to behave…behave like good little infidels.
Hillary says we must choose our words carefully otherwise ISIS, Boko Haram, Hamas, Fatah and the rest of them may get their feathers ruffled.
They are terribly sensitive people, these Islamic terrorists. Doesn’t take much to get them riled up. Read this!
Just the other day, somewhere in Denmark, a tiny Israeli flag had to be removed from the window of someone’s apartment building.
Recently imported migrants were offended. They are very touchy even as guests. So when they came and murdered 3,000 of our people in New York and when they kidnapped, enslaved and murdered thousands more elsewhere here and around the world – someone must have said something.
No, it wasn’t Trump. Hillary can’t even support her allegation that Trump unintentionally helped ISIS recruit.
So it is not always Trump, y’know. The rest of us might blurt out some remark that makes them burn Paris and go rampaging from Jerusalem to San Bernardino.
But since we don’t know exactly what it is that will trigger those people, it’s best to clam up. Forget that we are Americans.
“We are the world.” Stick to Climate Change. That’s safe. Talk weather and nobody gets hurt.
Never mind free speech. Forget the Constitution. Goodbye Bill of Rights. Hillary and her fellow Liberals want you to know that it’s time to submit.
Between them and us, the future belongs to them, radicalized Islam.
Hillary wants you to behave…behave like good little infidels.
In other words, this nation that once bowed to no one is now prepared to get on its knees to any confederacy of extremists that comes down the pike.
As they owe us nothing except mindless hatred, we owe them our respect.
At least that’s the promise of what it will be like if Hillary gets elected…or rather, it will be more of the same, with worse to come.
A vote for Hillary is a vote for the hijab. Hillary is counting on a particular demographic to rally around her flag of submission.
Women and children first.
This could backfire among Americans who’ve grown accustomed their liberties and who may not be so quick to surrender their freedoms.
There are no feminists on a sinking ship.