Tuesday, December 29, 2015


We must be careful to get permission to say or do anything.

Published: Monday, December 28, 2015 6:19 AM

My friend the New York City dramatist had a few stage hits in a row and then a few failures in a row, mostly because of a particular reviewer.

This was Frank Rich (if I remember correctly)The New York Times reviewer known as “The Butcher of Broadway” and for good reason.

A bad review from Rich meant curtains.

So as my friend started on his next play he figured “what’s the use” all this toil for possibly nothing.

Why not send the Butcher what he had written so far and ask if it’s okay to proceed.

I forget what resulted. This was some time ago. But today we are not talking stage plays or movies.

We are talking about anything anybody says or writes…particularly if it involves politics and Islam.

We need permission to proceed. We need to phone first. Whom to call? Start with your local chapter of CAIR. Or dial Hillary for clearance.

Hillary wants you to behave…behave like good little infidels.
Hillary says Trump’s rhetoric is so inflammatory that it serves as a recruitment tool for ISIS.

Hillary says we must choose our words carefully otherwise ISIS, Boko Haram, Hamas, Fatah and the rest of them may get their feathers ruffled.

They are terribly sensitive people, these Islamic terrorists. Doesn’t take much to get them riled up. Read this!

Just the other day, somewhere in Denmark, a tiny Israeli flag had to be removed from the window of someone’s apartment building.

Recently imported migrants were offended. They are very touchy even as guests. So when they came and murdered 3,000 of our people in New York and when they kidnapped, enslaved and murdered thousands more elsewhere here and around the world – someone must have said something.

No, it wasn’t Trump. Hillary can’t even support her allegation that Trump unintentionally helped ISIS recruit.

So it is not always Trump, y’know. The rest of us might blurt out some remark that makes them burn Paris and go rampaging from Jerusalem to San Bernardino.

But since we don’t know exactly what it is that will trigger those people, it’s best to clam up. Forget that we are Americans.

“We are the world.” Stick to Climate Change. That’s safe. Talk weather and nobody gets hurt.

Never mind free speech. Forget the Constitution. Goodbye Bill of Rights. Hillary and her fellow Liberals want you to know that it’s time to submit.

Between them and us, the future belongs to them, radicalized Islam.

Hillary wants you to behave…behave like good little infidels.

In other words, this nation that once bowed to no one is now prepared to get on its knees to any confederacy of extremists that comes down the pike.

As they owe us nothing except mindless hatred, we owe them our respect.

At least that’s the promise of what it will be like if Hillary gets elected…or rather, it will be more of the same, with worse to come.

A vote for Hillary is a vote for the hijab. Hillary is counting on a particular demographic to rally around her flag of submission.

Women and children first.

This could backfire among Americans who’ve grown accustomed their liberties and who may not be so quick to surrender their freedoms.

There are no feminists on a sinking ship.

Thursday, December 24, 2015


They can say what they like, but please don't drag Judaism into it.

Published: Thursday, December 24, 2015 6:31 AM

Alan Colmes comes to mind whenever I think of American Liberals who happen to be Jewish, or were raised Jewish until they converted to Liberalism.

Liberalism is also a religion of peace and Colmes brings the message every day to TV, Fox News, and radio, the Don Imus Show.

He is the House Liberal. When you need the Leftist boilerplate point of view, here’s Juan Williams or Alan Colmes, but Colmes serves best when it comes to Jews or Israel or Islam because he’s Jewish, so it hurts less or hurts more, depending on how mousy you can take a Liberal.

According to the arrangement, which The New York Times uses all the time, a Jewish Liberal doubles the score on, say, Israel bashing.

That is a big win when the news media can find somebody to blast the Jews but pity the migrants and his name is Cohen.

On the question of the Syrian migrants, how many we should take in, not counting the thousands we’ve already taken in – I hear a figure of 100,000 since 2013 – Colmes and so many other Liberals who were once Jewish, here they come to teach us Jewish Values.

One day to the next here’s another convert to Liberalism to announce his Jewishness in support of Islam, which already has more than one billion supporters.

The pitch runs like this: “I was raised Jewish. My parents taught me to respect all faiths. That’s why I support bringing in as many migrants as possible.”

Your parents taught you this? Did they teach you that lovely as these people may be, more than 70 percent of them admit to disliking you, even you the Jewish Liberal?

Further: “My Jewish faith taught me to always come to the aid of people in distress.”

Funny, but I hear nothing like this when Israelis are in distress. Not a peep when Jews keep getting stabbed, shot and run over by Arabs.

They do not hesitate to proclaim, “Shared Values.” Such as? You mean that tossing gays off tall buildings, this is okay? You share this?
This very day two Israelis died, one from stabbing wounds suffered from the hands of Palestinian Arab terrorists and the other from a stray shot of a policewoman trying to stop the rampage. Hello, Alan? Mark? Anybody?

Suddenly, for Muslims, these Liberals have found religion. Once lost, now found.

They had lost any trace of Jewishness until they found a suitable cause and their own people are never suitable. Immediately after the compulsory suburban bar mitzvah they dropped the faith for being so inconvenient until, in a flash, in a moment of dubious clarity, they discovered something they can really get behind.

For the sake of the refugees, they shout to the bleachers, “I am Jewish and this is what I believe.”

They do not hesitate to proclaim, “Shared Values.” Such as? You mean that tossing gays off tall buildings, this is okay? You share this? This value you share?

It’s okay to beat your wife if she misbehaves? Honor killings – this too is acceptable?

Thanks for letting us know how you really feel. But please do not drag my religion into this.

Please stop using your freshly discovered Jewishness to make points that were never Jewish. This is an insult. This is abuse. This is nauseating.

You can tell Trudeau to knock it off as well, the prime minister whose Christmas message was about Canada’s shared values with Islam.

So you don’t have to be American or Jewish to be a useful idiot. That’s a relief.

Sunday, December 20, 2015


Published: Sunday, December 20, 2015 7:38 AM

Looks like we may have to start whispering, or start passing notes under the table.

Samizdat is what they called those secret messages when writers were forbidden to speak freely or write truly under the boot of Soviet repression.

Terrible times for those who could not speak their minds or write without being monitored, hounded and imprisoned.

Pity them.

Luckily we were Americans. Nothing like that for us. Can’t happen here. You could bet on that.

Well, all bets are off.

Samizdat is coming. It’s already happening here. We’re being watched and we’ve been warned

Liberals want the entire floor to themselves. “Safe spaces” for them have begun elbowing out the First Amendment for us.

We could be talking about Loretta Lynch, our attorney general, who says she’s more worried about Islamophobia than anything else, and threatens to prosecute anyone who speaks badly of Islam, although we have no specifics to let us know when we’ve crossed the line.

Or, we could be talking about various publications and media carriers who threaten to cut us off at the headline if we fail to conform to specifications.

“I write and then I rewrite to keep out of trouble,” a particular columnist told me. “Don’t we all?”

To stay out of trouble we could use a comprehensive advisory as to who’s in and who’s out so far as who else is untouchable. That would be helpful.

Meantime what we are doing is pre-censoring ourselves, here in America, and you don’t have to be a writer, anything anybody writes will do, will be enough to get you Indexed for Prohibited Books. That was the term popular (or rather unpopular) during the age of the Spanish Inquisition.

Torquemada was proud to say, “Show me 20 words written by the most honest of men, and I will find something in them to hang him.”

Take that for specifications.

Salman Rushdie met his own Index in the form of an Islamic fatwa when his book “The Satanic Verses” came out in 1988 – and I remember it well because a book of mine came out around the same time, “Indecent Proposal,” equally dangerous because even The New York Times noted that the counterpoint of the novel presented the Arab/Israeli conflict in a nutshell, and favored the Israelis when no one favored the Israelis.

So I was ready when a fellow writer called to say that a group of writers were marching on a particular bookstore.

This shop was somewhere on Fifth Avenue and word was out that the manager had taken Rushdie’s book off the shelves fearing the fatwa.

Fatwa This! was our response.

The poor manager did not know what hit him when 50 writers, from rich to starving, came at him all at once, righteous fury in their eyes.

The reason all the books were gone was because…because they had sold out. We left embarrassed and muttering that we should all be so lucky.

Lucky we were to be in America. But the butterfly effect had us hurting for Behind the Iron Curtain writers chilled into silence.

Philip Roth, now quickly famous, fought for their cause so that they should not feel lonely.

He made sure to get their works published here in the West. Milan Kundera, Czech-born, is another story. He exiled himself to France but in “The Unbearable Lightness of Being” he gave a wonderful account of what’s it’s like to be watched, word for word, by Big Brother in and around Prague.

In that book, the hero, a physician, writes an op-ed for an anti-Communist newspaper, and immediately must run for his life.

Today we are being Indexed for different reasons. Scary just the same.

Banned speech, spoken or written, threatens us once again, for the columnist, the blogger, the novelist, the poet.

Fatwa This! still sounds like a good answer.

Wednesday, December 16, 2015


The consensus from Jews and non-Jews alike is that on his US trip, Rivlin embarrassed nearly everybody who stands with Israel.

Who are we to judge, from here in New York?

After all, Hillary Clinton is adored by so many here in America that she stands at least a 50/50 chance of getting to the White House.

This is the most corrupt woman in America that we’re talking about. Strangely and unwisely, the Republican contenders going at it in tonight’s CNN Debate, resolute as they were on defeating Radical Islam, they left Hillary mostly unscathed and laughing.

She is still laughing because she knows that before you can defeat ISIS you’ve got to defeat the Clintons, any Clinton, and the Clintons invented politics.

So we’re not so smart ourselves as we watch and even assist our country going down the tubes. We have no excuse.

“Where is the pride?” asked a non-Jewish friend, expecting me to deliver answers.

What about the Israelis who are smart enough to advance technology and medicine to incredible heights but...

But they got Reuven Rivlin.

Rivlin is President of Israel, a largely ceremonial post but still PRESIDENT, for crying out loud, and perhaps he needs to be reminded about the people he represents. He represents a people who were ordained by the Almighty Himself “to be for Me a kingdom of priests; a holy nation.”

Benjamin Netanyahu serves as prime minister. He is a politician. He is expected to mix it up, to be political and to get dusted up politically.

He would have been sensational in tonight’s CNN Debate.

But Rivlin, symbolically at least, sits near the throne of David. He is obliged to soar above it all.

This demands gravitas and dignity fit for a king; certainly not the behavior we witnessed from Rivlin in Washington, D.C, and New York, both places, where it hurts to say, his demeanor turned him into a laughingstock. He did no honor to himself or to his holy nation.

At least that’s the view from America…where passionate no-nonsense defenders of Israel (like myself) were put on the spot.

“What gives?” That was one question.” Next, “Where is the pride?” asked a non-Jewish friend, expecting me to deliver answers.

There is no answer when the Jewish head of state acts like a schnorrer.

In Washington Rivlin took part in a Hanukkah celebration that will always be remembered for the lecture from a reform “rabbi” that had no time for the Maccabees but plenty of time for Black Lives Matter, gun control, Islamophobia and “justice for the Palestinians.”

Rivlin, from all accounts, and from my friend Doodie’s description, “stood there with an indelibly stupid and clownish smile on his face.”

He made no protest and, if this is true, uttered praise for Allah – in Arabic. She did.

We are still talking about the President of Israel, but now move on to New York where Haaretz was having a party for its friends, among them the world’s most honored and most respected anti-Semites. Roger Waters attended. Haaretz is his kind of paper. Need we say more?

Yes we do. Rivlin showed up and may well have been the life of the party. He was full of praise for the radicalized Arab paper published in Hebrew.

I don’t do surveys. Doodie does. We go way back to Saint Urbain Street in Montreal. So Doodie did some canvassing. He interviewed scores of people at the New York Public Library because that’s where the people are, the thinking people, and the consensus from Jews and non-Jews alike is that

Rivlin embarrassed nearly everybody who stands with Israel.

The prevailing view is that the head of state from no other country would mingle so approvingly with problematic people and their dubious causes.

It is unbecoming. It is undignified.

When the shofar blasts some of us here in America set everything else aside, place our lives at risk, and rush in for the sake of Zion.

During his days in the Knesset, Rivlin was known to champion minority (meaning Arab) rights. This is okay, I guess. This is his politics.

But as head of state we would expect him to drop his personal convictions in favor of the prestige and grandeur of his office.

His task is to defend the honor of Israel.

He owes that much to the state, the Jewish State that he represents at home and abroad. Into the teeth of Islamic terror that has us jittery, America could have used less clowning, rather a more formidable presence at a time when we seek reassurance from our most courageous and steadfast ally.

We sink or swim together.

Tuesday, December 15, 2015


Mercy may rebound and righteousness may lead to jihad.

First of all, to equate “the plight of the Syrian refugees,” who have choices, with the plight of the Jews is an insult to decency.

The Jews who survived the Holocaust had no choices…except to be exterminated. They had no place to go. Every door was closed. Some managed to trickle in to the New World. For the Syrians an entire world awaits them, beginning with the 57 countries that make up the Organization of Islamic Cooperation.

Plus Europe, Canada and Jewish groups (see here) who have opened their arms to welcome the Syrians as they never welcomed the Jews.

Only yesterday a beaming Prime Minister Justin Trudeau welcomed the first arrivals.

Nuremberg Laws. Boycotts. Round-ups. Cattle cars. Death camps. Beatings. Starvation. Genocide. That was the fate for the Jews.

Nothing like that for Syrians on the run and seeking “a better life” -- but also bringing with them sharia, jihad and anti-Semitism.

Unpleasant to say, but a fact, supported by surveys that show nearly 90 percent of them openly hostile to Jews, and Christians.

For the Jews of a generation ago it was not about seeking a better life, but seeking life, period. The few who came, came without shoes.

The Syrians appear well-fed, well-dressed, mostly men, hence likely deserters. They make demands.

Jews made no demands. They were grateful for anything.

They came with violins. They never torched the American flag, never shouted Allah Akbar or beheaded infidels.

They came. They assimilated. They worked. They won Nobel Prizes and still today there are no Jewish “no-go” zones.

This too is unpleasant to say, but today’s migrants do pose a threat.

Not all are radicalized Muslims. I have enough Muslim neighbors to know that plenty are good citizens.

But who can sort the bad from the good?

We could not sort them out in New York or in Boston and we were unable to tell them apart at Fort Hood. Paris could not sort them out, either.

Apparently that is of no concern to the tenderhearted, Canadian and American Jews among them, who’ve opened their doors, their hearts, their houses of worship to people whose allegiance is not to the Jewish or to the Christian Bible, but to the Koran, which codifies an entirely different sort of behavior.

Europe is finished. You’ve lost your continent to Islam – which, come to think of it, may be an improvement.

Trudeau of Canada is bringing in 25,000 of them like rock stars. So if they are in Canada, they are also in border-deficient United States.

Has Trudeau thought this through, the gamble he’s taking not just for Canada, but for the rest of us as well?

They can come and go as they please. Thus his generosity puts us all at risk.

They are coming to a synagogue near you, in some cases at the invitation of your rabbi. So is it impolite to ask why this does not work both ways? Where is the hospitality from the mosques, any mosque, even one, when Jews are hurting? Is there any record, any evidence of this happening today, yesterday, or ever?

These charitable hosts, Liberals all, allege that the Bible commands them to be merciful. Merciful, yes, but not stupid.

Europe is finished. You’ve lost your continent to Islam – which, come to think of it, may be an improvement.
Ecclesiastes in fact warns against being “overly righteous.”

We did not ask to be a partner to this migration. It’s been forced upon us.

They could be doctors. They could terrorists, what’s coming.

So your generosity is our peril. Your mercies may well be our consequences. Your righteousness may be the next San Bernardino.

You are too kind, my Liberal friends. Much too kind. Much too dangerous.

Thursday, December 10, 2015


More San Bernardino fallout - Our president has taught us that Islamophobia is our biggest danger, not the Islamists themselves.

Two reliable commentators for Fox News, Ret. Army Lt. Col. Ralph Peters and Stacey Dash have been disciplined by the top-rated cable network for using language unsuitable for broadcast. I watched it and was not offended and the dog did not hide under the bed. But rules are rules, I guess.

They’ve been suspended two weeks for blurting out expletives that I use every day while driving.

I used the same profanities while listening to Mr. Obama when, after the murder of 14 Americans at the hands of Radical Islamists, he gives a speech warning us against Islamophobia. In fact Jews take the brunt of hate crimes ten to one over Muslims but the president NEVER says anything about THAT.

Peters and Dash had the same reaction that I did, obviously, about the speech and frankly – about everything, every damned thing.

We are fed up. For seven years we’ve been pushed around and it is not just about Radicalized Muslims.

It’s about a near-decade of scandals and cover-ups and media complicity that’s been shoved down our throats, and America is angry.

Don’t be amazed why Trump is doing so well. You don’t have to cheer everything he says. (I don’t.)

After the San Bernardino attack we needed an emotional response. Obama failed. Trump delivered. (Ban Migrant Islam.)

Assume that he goes too far and says too much, but he does not fiddle, and he has tapped into the heart of our frustration. Ditto Peters and Dash.

We’ve been waiting for SOMEBODY, anybody, to howl, “Mad as hell and not going to take it anymore.”

Americans are angry about waking up every morning to a country they hardly recognize.

Black lives matter, sure, and Muslims deserve tolerance and equality. Of course. But how about the rest of us, hello, do we count?

Black lives matter, sure, and Muslims deserve tolerance and equality. Of course. But how about the rest of us, hello, do we count?

Do you mind if we salute our troops and high-five our cops rather than tear them down?

Lately indeed it’s about Islam. Are we permitted to be steamed about what happened in San Bernardino? No. Our attorney general, Loretta Lynch, says that Islamophobia is her “greatest concern” and that if we don’t watch our language she is prepared to prosecute.

What country is this? It is precisely that kind of heavy-handedness that’s been crushing us over the years.

Except for the Democrats. The Left is angry against nobody except Republicans.

We are still waiting for them to be as outraged against the San Bernardino Radical Muslim killers as they are against Trump who never killed anybody.

Say this about Trump, and I make no political argument here as to the best choice for the GOP.

But at a time when the Silent Majority had no voice, he gave it a voice.

It is okay to speak up. It is all right to be fed up. That is where Trump differs and succeeds and why Peters and Dash are being lauded along social media.

For nearly a decade we’ve been getting an America we never asked for…and we sure are not asking for 25,000 to 85,000 ready-made anti-Semites to enter the country -- from Syria or from any place where they breed intolerance, death over life, mindless brutality over sanity.

They are coming for us as they keep coming for the Israelis and finally we know what it’s like to face Radical Islamic Jihad at home, at work or at play.

I keep saying that what happens in Israel does not stay in Israel. I say it here elaborately, that the Jihad that bedevils the Jewish State is the same Jihad that keeps on coming within our own borders, from Jerusalem to New York to San Bernardino.  They are the same people, the same terrorists.

Trump himself needs to rethink his position about forcing the Israelis into making further sacrifices.

Been there, done that and the Jews, we have sacrificed more than our fair share. Don’t get me started.

Get it straight who the enemy really is, what’s to be done and where to direct our indignation.

Direct it against “the dumb bastards” who pose the real threat, the Jihadists, to borrow from Gen. George S. Patton.

Pardon my French.

Tuesday, December 8, 2015


So they lived the American dream, did they? And the president is keeping us safe, is he?

A house filled with some 2,000 rounds of ammunition and nobody saw nothin’. Zip.

The place was crawling with a massive arsenal of weapons that likely filled the garage to the kitchen sink -- but who, me?

Nothing. Looked pretty normal, say relatives, friends, acquaintances and anybody who visited a house that was stockpiled for mass destruction.

Even people who lived in and around the house – WHAT? We saw nothing unusual.

They had to step over and around a mountain of Improvised Explosive Devices (IED) to get from the living room to the bathroom, but nobody winced?

Typical American wifey in a hijab. Most likely clipped coupons to save on milk and explosives.
Nobody asked – “Yo, Syed, what’s this?”

That’s what we are supposed to believe. Nobody else but those two had a hand in the murder of 14 innocents in San Bernardino.

Accomplices? Zero. So they say and so we are expected to believe.
Mr. Obama spoke to us a few moments ago. Finally called it terrorism, though not Islamic terrorism. For us to guess.

He announced that he is taking the fight to ISIS. We should feel safe.

Except that ISIS, or ISIL, as he calls it, is one problem.

Worse is the local, the unaffiliated but radicalized freelancer who comes from within our own neighborhood.

We know where ISIS lives. But for the introvert, the retail operator we have no address until it’s too late. Case in point, San Bernardino.

We are not at war with Islam, said the president, so no wonder people who knew the Farooks were shocked…shocked!

Typical Americans, say people who knew them.

Quiet. Unassuming. Friendly. Hard-working, Doting father. Loving mother. Played Scrabble. How do you spell jihad? Capital J?

There were no clues. Nope. Nothing to suggest a husband and wife radicalized to the hilt and armed to the teeth.

“They lived the American dream,” said a neighbor, who likewise saw nothing, knew nothing, suspected nothing. Nothing at all.

Golly, he was born here, good old Syed. What more do you want? Wife came from Pakistan. Wonderful country, Pakistan.  

So what if, as rumor has it, he hated Jews and maybe Christians. Doesn’t everybody? A regular Joe, Syed.

She kept to herself, did Tashfeen. All agree to this. Typical American wifey in a hijab. Most likely clipped coupons to save on milk and explosives.

“They were the perfect couple,” say people who knew them as the perfect couple.

Too bad it had to end like this. Obviously it was our fault. Global warming.

So the president assures us that he is keeping us safe.

Ban Radical Islamists and those Syrian migrants from entering the country and we’ll start believing.

Sunday, December 6, 2015


Nothing is the same anymore. The devout have arrived.

Sometimes an event comes along that makes us tremble for what might be coming next.

The event, this time, was San Bernardino, California – 14 dead, all shot during a Christmas party. The killers were husband and wife, both identified as “devout Muslims,” which should not lead us to identify all Muslims as crazed radicals, but instantly gives new meaning to the word “devout.”

Devout used to mean piety. It does not mean that anymore. Nothing is the same anymore.

America, home of the brave, is not so brave at the moment. We live in fear, and for good reason. We don’t know who’s on our side.

That is fear of the worst kind. The Israelis know it elaborately but here in the US it is becoming a habit as well.

We fear the devout, there’s that, and we fear speaking our minds. That’s just as bad or may be worse.

We are not allowed to be angry. Privately, perhaps; but even the walls have ears.

We have been told that if we see something we’d better shut up about it or else we will be taken away for hate crimes. Our attorney general says so.

Our speech is being monitored. In Attorney General Loretta Lynch’s own words when she explained to Muslim leaders how she has their back: “We must make it clear that actions predicated on violent [anti-Islamic] talk are not American…They will be prosecuted.” [Goodbye First Amendment]

Scared yet?

This is not the first time that we were a nation plunged in fear. But previously we knew the government was on our side.

This is not the first time that we were a nation plunged in fear. But previously we knew the government was on our side. During the Cuban Missile Crisis, then too we did not know what’s coming next. Later when JFK was assassinated we thought our enemies were coming for all of us.

On September 11, 2001, 9/11, we were awakened to a world war that may well last a century. The devout had arrived.

But through all those crises we knew that the government was on our side.

Not so this time.

Not so when we are warned that we’d better watch our language when it comes to the devout and in fact, the people next door to the San Bernardino killers – they suspected strangeness but were afraid to alert the authorities for fear of being reported as bigots…guilty of “violent talk,” as per our attorney general.

Anything that makes the devout feel uncomfortable will not be tolerated.

So 14 innocents died from an act of mindless bloodshed. Because Americans were afraid to speak.

In the UK, thousands of English girls and women have been raped, but have kept silent to protect themselves against charges of bigotry since most of the assailants are the devout from Pakistan and Afghanistan. The epidemic continues and parents who complain to the police are often arrested by the police for complaining.

But that’s England. This is America.

Is it?

At the University of Michigan a Jewish student, Jesse Arm, is in trouble for speaking. He expressed himself against pro-Palestinian demonstrators on campus. What did he say? “You’re not serious with these [anti-Israel] signs here,” he said and was immediately flagged for “verbal abuse.”

Therefore chalk up a victory for free speech, but only if you belong to certain groups, like BDS and others who read from the same book.

Jews get no such edge.

Students at Iowa colleges (and elsewhere) are demanding “safe space” to pray five times a day.

The devout may not be inconvenienced and when they are they can count on being supported and comforted. When talk gets heated, as it has been about importing thousands of Syrian migrants, Democrats, like Rep. Don Beyer of Va., rush to the nearest mosque to express unity, solidarity, fellowship.

They go to assure worshippers that there are no hard feelings, come whatever, most likely even San Bernardino.

But when American student Ezra Schwartz was murdered in Israel at the hands of Devout Palestinian Arabs, it was different.

The record shows no such fellowship for Jews in mourning and in pain. There is no evidence of a single Democrat visiting a single synagogue.

Tolerance and free speech for some but not for others, this is the America we’ve inherited with our votes. There is hope. We do get one more chance to get it right but if we get it wrong, again, it may be our last chance and our grandchildren will pay the price for generations to come.