Sunday, November 29, 2015


Jews are being stabbed by Muslims in Israel and the NYT runs an article on how US Muslims are afraid of the backlash which has not occurred.

Listen. I have been in the news business all my life, even wrote an entire book about it here, so I know how it works.

Let’s pretend for a moment that I am managing editor of a New York newspaper and it’s a slow news day, which drives me crazy. I need news. I need a headline.

Anything will do, and quick.

I glance across the newsroom. I ask around. Anything happening? People shrug.

“Oh come on,” I yell. “Something. Anything. This is the town that never sleeps.”

I ask Abdul, who runs our Foreign Desk, if he’s got anything to give. “The usual,” he pouts. “Nothing for front page.”

On the Op-ed side, no worries. I’ve got Tom Friedman blaming Israel for this and that. So that’s covered.

At City Desk I remind Aziz that the Paris bombings happened only weeks ago. There must be some reaction.

Okay. How about this? He suggests that we run a story about local Muslims coping with an Islamophobic backlash.

“Anything to this?” I ask.

“No, but we can invent, make up a story.”

“Done” – and presto, ladies and gentlemen, Wed, Nov. 25 a story appears in The New York Times with the following headline:


Are Jewish students frightened? You bet.
Gevalt! – except that the story immediately falls apart and never lives up to the headline.

Muslims, says the piece, are being cautioned not to stand too close to subway rail tracks. Why? Has anyone been thrown overboard? No. Have mosques been burned? No. Have Muslims been shot, stabbed, run over while walking along Fifth Avenue  --as are Jews in Israel at the hands of Jerusalem Muslims? No.

Have New York Muslims been verbally assaulted. Yes!

Millions? No. Thousands. No. How many? Two.

That is the entire story. Two New York City Muslims report being verbally harassed or “elbowed.”
The Times got this info from CAIR, the disgraced Council on American-Islamic Relations….but that is good enough for the Times.

Good enough to profile an entire population and paint the entire city of New York with the brush of bigotry.

Good enough to entertain the paper’s zombie Liberal readers.

Exactly what happened to these sensitive New York Muslims? Elbowed, yes, but also “spat upon.”

This is special to Muslims? Happens to everybody in this town that I know – that and much worse.
Horrors – but then we learn that following the Nov. 13 Paris attacks, there was only ONE hate crime alleged and reported against Muslims. ONE!

On hate crimes throughout the US, Muslims suffer the least, Jews the most – a whopping 83 percent. Good journalism would demand that this counterpoint be noted, but we’re talking The New York Times, which long ago forgot what it’s supposed to be doing…print the truth.

Still acting on orders to manufacture a crisis, reporter Kirk Semple keeps to his shaky premise by quoting one Muslim after another as being “frightened.”

These days, aren’t we all?

One New York letter-to-the-editor simply put it like this: “I am Jewish and I am frightened.”
Are Jewish students frightened? You bet. From campus to campus they are consistently bullied and harassed by judeophobic bullies.

Oh that! Never mind. Only Muslims bleed, according to the Times. Jews, never; Christians, neither.

Friday, November 27, 2015


Nu? How afraid do you want us to be? And of what?

The State Department and the other US security agencies are telling us to be afraid. Not quite like that, but they’ve issued a dire“travel warning” and “terror alert.”

They overheard “chatter.” Obviously in Arabic and it wasn’t Happy Thanksgiving. Paris wasn’t enough. They want New York, again, though no place is safe.

This is the real deal. Should we be worried? Yes and no.

At a time when our president scoffs at Republicans and makes Jews and Christians feel like second-class citizens, it’s comforting to know that our national security officers (FBI, CIA) care for all of us equally. It is gratifying to know that somebody likes us and means to protect us from the barbarians who keep storming our borders.

That’s a relief, if only we knew exactly what to do about these warnings.
In Israel they don’t need “terror warnings” because the terror is with them every moment of every day.

If I’m being Islamophobic, very well, they made us that way. They made Brussels that way. The capital is on total lockdown because Islam came to town.

Leaders who can’t see the real threat to us even when it stares them in the face – they are to be feared more than all the rest.
Over here, such warnings from US intelligence are always measured on the official “afraid scale.”

The scoring goes from simply afraid, to very afraid, to terribly afraid.
This time it’s terribly afraid, I’m afraid, which is close to “run for the hills.”
But despite all that they are telling us to go about our lives and whoop it up as we normally would.

But not quite. They caution us to “avoid mixing in crowds.”
Yet everything’s a crowd – football, shopping, dining, praying, traveling, Broadway, movies…

So as it’s impossible to stay home and bolt the doors (think Paris), we are told to be “vigilant,” but they don’t tell us what this means.

How vigilant? Very vigilant or terribly vigilant?

Vigilant against whom? Who’s coming? The Chinese? The British again? No, Islamic terrorists. Radical Islam. That’s who’s coming.

But the State Department will not spell this out, since that department is owned and operated by Mr. Obama who lawyers for “the religion of peace.”

This means that we are to be suspicious and afraid of EVERYBODY.

According to that baloney, Grandma from Toledo who brings her needlepoint on the bus is as dangerous as the man shouting Allah Akbar.

Either one could be ISIS and it’s one hell of a world when al-Qaeda and Hamas and Hezbollah are now “moderate” Islam.

At the same time, we are told…yes we are told NOT to be afraid “otherwise they win and we lose.”
I say that all things considered we’ve already lost and they’ve already won.

Above all, it’s our political leaders, worldwide, who miss the whole point.
It’s immigration jihad, silly. That’s the crisis of the moment. Instead of warding them off, we keep bringing them in.

Hollande and Merkel raise European alarms about Islamic terrorism, but keep insisting that they’ll keep welcoming the migrants, although less enthusiastically than before – migrants who may or not be terrorists, but surely anti-Semites, as I warned earlier in this column and in this book.

Obama is still enthusiastic about swarming the United States with people we don’t know. Canada is slowing down the process of the Syrian “refugees.”

But it should not be Paris and only Paris that has us frightened and on edge. Islamic terrorism does not always come with a big bang.

Israel is proof that Islamic terrorism also works its evil one day at a time, one deadly stabbing at a time.
Leaders who can’t see the real threat to us even when it stares them in the face – they are to be feared more than all the rest.

Tuesday, November 24, 2015


This week was the anniversary of JFK's murder. Would JFK have ignored an American's murder overseas until prodded?

A glorious American Ezra Schwartz is murdered in Israel at the hands of Islamic terrorists and no word of condemnation from the White House.
Repeat – an American!

Monday Night Football, in the game between Buffalo and New England, has set aside a moment’s silence in reverence for Ezra Schwartz – thanks to the valiant owner of the Patriots, Robert Kraft. But from the government, near silence.

The State Department finally came around for a few words – but reluctantly and only after days of arm-twisting and cajoling.

Who celebrates ourselves as Whitman once did? Not this White House.
“I’d bomb the hell out of them.” Trump’s response to Islamic terrorists everywhere. (Hell of a world when al-Qaeda is now “moderate Islam.”)
New sheriff coming to town. It’s High Noon… Gary Cooper taking care of business.

Love him or hate him, Trump is an American – walks, talks, thinks like an American. The brashness, the swagger, the Reagan tall-in-the saddle – Trump.

“I want to make America great again.”

Poetry. Music to the ears of millions who miss those days when it was okay to be straight-talking, right-thinking a bit cocky and altogether heroic.
People wonder why he’s become so popular (even if he is not first choice to you or me).

“I will never apologize for America.” That’s why.

He’d never bow down to the king of Saudi Arabia. Not Trump. Too outspoken? Probably. Outrageously opinionated? Yes. But he’s no sneak.

Reuters Survey (thanks Breitbart) says a majority of Americans “feel like strangers in their own country.” No surprise.

Someone in this country makes a video somewhat uncomplimentary to their prophet and is imprisoned.
“The future must not belong to those who slander the prophet of Islam.” Our leader says this. Not Trump.

Not for Trump the overthrow of Judeo/Christian principles in favor of Islamic doctrines.

Not for JFK. President John F. Kennedy was an American, like this: “It may be different elsewhere. But Democrat society, in it, the highest duty of the writer, the composer, the artist is to remain true to himself and to let the chips fall where they may. In serving his vision of the truth, the artist best serves the nation.”

Exactly 52 years ago on this day when I write this, Nov. 22, JFK was assassinated and nobody remembers except here. Shameless amnesia.

We have forgotten that once we were confident and proud of ourselves. We were on the side of G-d and righteousness when we sacrificed ourselves to rid the world of Nazi and Soviet tyrannies and as we buried our dead in distant lands nobody told us that we ought to be ashamed of our past. No apology tour for Trump.

He’d never bow down to the king of Saudi Arabia. Not Trump.
Months ago Islamic terrorists lost a multi-million-dollar court battle in Manhattan Federal Court brought by 11 American families citing damages for murder inflicted by the PA and the PLO. The Obama administration, arguing mercy for the terrorists, intervened to bring the cost down to a pittance. The killers got off nearly scot-free.

Shared values – with Islamic terrorists? That, as the man says, “is who we are.” But listen to an American.

JFK: “America will pay any price, bear any burden, meet any hardship, support any friend, oppose any foe to assure the survival and the success of liberty.”

Those were the days. JFK gave us a chance to dream. Took us to the moon.
Survey says a majority of Americans “don’t identify with what America has become.”

Under today’s leadership, which tastes and smells entirely too foreign, Americans feel lost, abandoned, strangers in a strange land. Jews, Christians, cops, Israel, Republicans, getting pushed around, shouted down and English fast becoming a second language.

Lopsided priorities now render foreigners first; citizens second. Who celebrates ourselves as Whitman once did?

Not this White House.

Next president, Trump or anybody else, it’s time we get it right, time we get an American. Is that asking too much?

Thursday, November 19, 2015


Incoming migrants mean incoming anti-Semites, but Obama’s migrant darlings imperil all Americans.

The man on CNN (or maybe Fox?) says that we should welcome Obama’s 10,000 Syrian migrants. They’re harmless.

After all, there’ve been no signs of terrorism from the thousands, Syrians and otherwise, who have already encamped within the United States over the years, meaning that aside from the Fort Hood slaughter, the Boston Marathon massacre and other such displays of affection – heck, what’s the problem?

The problem is -- what do we mean by terrorism?

Islamic terrorism (just about the only flavor we’ve got nowadays) does not always go boom, as it did in Paris and as it does so often in Israel.

Every time a Jewish kid or speaker gets bullied on campus by Islamic delinquents who’ve infiltrated our schools – that’s terrorism.

I hate to be so blunt about this, but 10,000 new Islamic Syrian migrants automatically means 10,000 new anti-Semites. You read it here first. Nobody else says this because saying something so brutally obvious is politically incorrect and impolite. But that’s the math.

Every time a Jewish kid or speaker gets bullied on campus by Islamic delinquents who’ve infiltrated our schools – that’s terrorism.

On what day did the plight of the hordes come before the safety of dutiful tax-paying citizens? Hollande is still inviting them in, 30,000 over the next two years, and when it happens again he’ll wonder again why…and why French Jews are packing fast for Israel.

Ditto Merkel, who started it all – and we shall see what her politeness soon brings to Germany and throughout rape-capital Europe.

There is no accounting for the suicidal stupidity that afflicts our leaders whose enlightenment is bringing us all down together in one heap. Obama did nothing for Christians who were being beheaded by ISIS but he is all in for Muslims. People are starting to ask whose side is he on? Does he care about us, or does he care mostly about them?

He has it that we must be true to our values. That’s who we are, he says. We are also dead ducks.
His lame response to Paris -- you expected Churchill? You were expecting “we shall fight on the beaches?”

Instead, a confederacy of nomad towel-heads has the entire Western World in fear and trembling.
Our politicians. Our leaders. Their choices are failing us. Their stupid mistakes are killing us.
On stupidity, can anyone beat John Kerry? This fool, just yesterday he explained that the Paris bloodbath was inexcusable.

But of the Charlie Hebdo butchery – well, of that, he, John Kerry can find justification, “rationale.”
That was real blood, John. Not ketchup. Married into the Heinz fortune, he can’t be that stupid.
Defeat ISIS with this leadership?

As if once we bomb them to smithereens we can go back to worrying about the Kardashians again.

Sorry, not so simple. The pestilence we face may live next door without an ISIS shingle or dashboard ID. We don’t know what they’re thinking. Sometimes we do. Last week here in Manhattan a Pakistani cabbie beat up a passenger for being Jewish. That too is ISIS and that too is terrorism.

As I’ve said before, people who don’t know Sinatra are taking over the town…town by town…and as a majority of governors say no to the migrants, de Blasio has already raised his hand to bring in more. He wants the 10,000, or as many as Obama is willing to ship and import of these “widows and orphans,” to quote the president.

The facts and the pictures show otherwise. Most are big strong able-bodied men who ran from the fight – deserters.

I’ve been saying this clearly in my columns and in this book, and finally even uber-leftist Chris Matthews agrees that Obama has it wrong.

Our Liberal Leftists, leaders and followers, are not merely an inconvenient irritation. They are imperiling our kids and our grandkids.

Monday, November 16, 2015


After the Paris bloodbath – time to throw out the trash.

Following the Paris massacre, the usual announcement on the train came with a higher tone of urgency – “If you see something, say something.”
So what are we supposed to say when a company of Muslims steps in, as they just did? There is no shame in their eyes over what happened.

What happened? Islam came to town. That’s what happened, and now more than 100 Parisians and visitors are dead.

Again, the message over the speaker: “Report anything suspicious.”
Well yes. Muslims are suspect. Too bad about the ones who are no part of this and in some places targets and victims as well.

But that’s what they’ve done to us, the Allah Akhbar crowd. They’ve turned us into justified bigots. We fear all of them, the good along with the bad.

Yes I said this and you can quote me, “justified bigotry”…but within the context of people who intend to do us harm.

Later, G-d can sort them out but meanwhile our reckless leaders keep importing them by the planeload. Obama is even accelerating the welcome.

More keep coming to the United States, Canada and throughout Europe and about Europe last week, in connection to the EU’s decision to libel Israel through labeling, I wrote, “Enjoy your anti-Semitism while you still can. Don’t look back. Islam is coming.”

Some 48 hours later Islam came. Islam came with a bang. Islam came to town. Some people never learn.

In Canada, I have just learned, federated Jews are spreading out the red carpet for these newly arrived “Syrian migrants,” most of them men without women or children; most of them of military age and most of them deserters. But these Jews know better and have chosen to be more hospitable than Abraham and more merciful than G-d.

I imagine the same sense of idiotic compassion extends to some American Jews, people who can’t see immigration jihad when it stares them in the face.

The FBI clocks Islamist terror cells in all 50 states, but for what purpose if more keep being imported than deported?

Some American Jews... can’t see immigration jihad when it stares them in the face.
Next time we get hit – and we will – will our geniuses be shocked, shocked! Shocked and amazed! Will they say, “Nobody saw this coming.”
How much clearer can I be when I keep saying – what happens in Israel does not stay in Israel?

It’s never been about Israel. It’s always been about an entire generation of Muslims radicalized to the hilt throughout the world.

Perhaps this time Israel itself has learned the lesson that no matter how much territory it gives up, it makes no difference. It’s not about land.

It’s not about anything. That’s the scary part. It’s about something else that our Western minds can’t absorb.

It’s about their commandment that commands them to kill. That’s it, period. Will the Left get this message? Probably not.

Even the Left and even Bibi, for once maybe they’d give it a rest, the talk about a “two-state solution.”
You know…two nations, side by side in peace, harmony and security.

Is Hollande being asked to start a peace process…get the ball rolling to divide Paris in half? I haven’t heard.

Hollande is kicking at doors throughout France. He’s prepared to be “merciless.” Obama, Kerry and the UN – are they demanding “restraint?” We only hear this when Israel is attacked and retaliates. Are there cries and complaints about the French president using measures that are “disproportionate?” No, that too falls only upon the Jewish State.

Are the French now being logically careful and suspicious and furious after what just happened – or are they being “paranoid?”

That’s how the BBC defined Israel’s jittery reaction at being knifed and firebombed hour by hour at the hands of these same killers. “Paranoid,” said the BBC.

Now who’s paranoid?

Now who’s weeping, Geraldo? Oh the tears. As the event moved from two Paris victims to 10 to 50 to 100-plus, TV started blanket coverage. Fox News did best and anchor Shepard Smith, usually a jerk, did better than okay. In the middle of it all, here’s Geraldo.

We see him being hooked up to Paris with his daughter who barely escaped the slaughter. Miles apart and they’re both shaken and weeping.

Shaken and weeping as are Israeli fathers and mothers when the terror comes to their sons and daughters but nobody cares. Not Geraldo.

Now does he understand that it is not about “the settlements?” Too much to ask, I’m afraid, because to some people it never sinks in.

Like the couple seated across from me on the train and already I know there will be trouble. They’re reading their bible, The New York Times and, turns out, they know me from my columns and my books and especially “The Bathsheba Deadline,” which the woman says ought to be banned and burned for being so “intolerant.”

Intolerant, for example, about the people who just stepped into our train, and it is not the Asians we are panicked about.

Yes I am intolerant against people who keep blowing us up. Sorry. I am funny and intolerant that way.

Saturday, November 14, 2015


This was a double-cross heard around the world.

Well that was a quick second or third honeymoon. This column was supposed to be about Bibi and Obama “mending fences.”

That appeared to be the case. They smiled. They shook hands. Bibi even said it was the best meeting he ever had with this White House.

Then, as Jackie Gleason used to say – “Pow! Right in the kisser!”

This was a double-cross heard around the world, as per this headline, “Obama approves of EU labeling of Jewish products.”

The short of it is that Europe has gone brothel again. Anything (including the cure for cancer?) made in the “settlements” will be labeled as unfit for European consumption. But that’s just my interpretation. Read all about it here, which includes Obama saying, “Sure. Why not? Let’s pile on.”

I am a Jewish product. Yes I am. I am a Jewish product and I feel libeled and labeled.
That’s not a direct quote, but my version of, “You too, Mr. President?”

Israel, the only country in the region that shares our values and fights our fight, and this is the country the White House chooses to humiliate.

Europe, no surprise. But America is supposed to differ and stand against segregation.

So it’s about “Jewish products” and guess what – I am a Jewish product. Yes I am. I am a Jewish product and I feel libeled and labeled.

This isn’t the first time, though all of us thought it would be the last time, going back a generation ago, which seems like yesterday.

So it’s about “Jewish products” and guess what – I am a Jewish product. Yes I am.

Yesterday (around 1942) the Gestapo arrived at my father’s leather shop in Toulouse, France. They ordered the shop closed for being Jewish.

“Occupied territory,” they declared.

So through my father, and mother, and sister, I know about being libeled and labeled.

The family didn’t wait around. Father did not need a mystical handwriting on the wall. It was spelled out right there on the window of his shop.

The label read, “Juif.”

That’s pretty much how it’ll soon be read all across Europe…again…and with my president’s blessing.

Of the Six Million who were trapped in Europe an overlooked detail haunts me. These days when I see images of European Jews waiting on the platforms to be herded onto the trains, I notice something odd. Husbands and wives are carrying suitcases. For what? For Auschwitz?

They do not know, or do not dare guess, that Auschwitz is their destination and their destiny. They were told about being “relocated.” Nothing to worry about.

They believed because they had no choice except to believe. But till the end, they never lost hope.

Likewise today.  We’re told that labeling measures are being taken only against places that are illegally “occupied.”

Sounds awfully familiar to this Jewish product, me, and you, because truly, the libeling and the labeling never stops, once it begins.

We are all Jewish products. To them it’s all occupied territory wherever a Jew stops to catch a breath.

Today we have Israel, a Jewish State, so there should be no need to walk around with a suitcase. Today the hope is real and alive.

Time to tell Europe that we’re onto the tricks and thanks but we’re skipping your next Holocaust. Boycott This!

Wednesday, November 11, 2015


This is how Palestinian Arab kids pass into adulthood. Jewish kids do it somewhat differently.

So now it’s 13-year-old Palestinian Arab “teens” who have joined the stabbing spree against Israelis. That’s been the trend over the past few weeks.

One knifing attack after another from the hands of these kids, some actually 11, some 12, but 13 seems to be the all-purpose rite of passage.

In Judaism when a son reaches the age of 13 he becomes a man and tradition expects him to behave like one – like a mensch.

He is to honor “thy father and thy mother” and apply himself to the other 612 Commandments.

It’s different among certain Palestinians. Over there, in places run by Hamas and Abbas, Islamic terrorists in other words, boys at 13 don’t say “Today I am a man,” as we do. They say it like this: “Today I am a killer.”

Welcome to the 21st Century. This is how Palestinian Arab kids are being raised to honor their parents.

They honor their parents by becoming brutes and from their parents they learned that murder is good, as opposed to my Bible, which forbids bloodshed.

So we have our Bible and they have theirs and never the twain shall meet, at this rate.

Do I sound discouraged? Okay, give me the good news. Remind me that love makes the world go round. Go ahead, I’m listening.

Tell me that this is just a phase…and I will tell you that this phase began with Hagar and Ishmael. That takes us back more than 3,000 years.

Considering that all of it is ISIS under various names, Hamas, PA, PLO, all one crowd -- is this a preview for the next 3,000 years?
Considering that all of it is ISIS under various names, Hamas, PA, PLO, all one crowd -- is this a preview for the next 3,000 years?

It sure must look that way to Jewish kids on campus throughout the U.S.A. where it’s hell being a student up against armies of hate, calling themselves BDS or whatever. Upon all of us here they come – a generation of Palestinians that have succumbed to the allure of ruthlessness and brute force. It runs in the family.

People change? But these parents, they too were brainwashed so that there is no end in sight for a Palestinian generation that can listen to reason.

Bibi thinks otherwise. He thinks there’s hope. In his opening public remarks at the White House just yesterday it wasn’t Obama, it was Bibi who extended himself for a “two-state solution” and you should have seen my jaw drop. He is “willing to make peace” and this is wonderful. Aren’t we all willing to make peace?

But with these people?

My own interpretation runs like this; Bibi had to say it before Obama did, to make it easier to swallow, and I would not be surprised if this was negotiated between them ahead of time. Bibi is under pressure to get right (actually left) with Obama. He only forgot to say that “climate change” is the culprit for everything, even for hallucinating 13-year-olds into natural-born killers.

The media have mostly ignored this phenomenon mostly because there is nothing phenomenal about Palestinian Arabs killing Jews. It’s routine.

Age makes no difference…but wait.

When Israel retaliates and the stabber becomes a 13-year-old victim, now CNN, the BBC and The New York Times find a “teenager.”

Suddenly the brute becomes a “teen,” a designation given to a blameless period of life associated with joyful innocence.

When we think of teens, we think of Marty Robbins and “A white sport coat and a pink carnation – all dressed up for the dance.”

But Israel’s enemies are not going in for a Prom. They’re going in for a kill.

These are kids hardened by a culture of mindlessness and hate and if anyone thinks this is Israel’s problem, think again.

Yes Israel is hurting, but here is a warning to people who take pleasure in this: Enjoy your indifference or your anti-Semitism while you can.

Don’t look back. Islam is gaining and nobody is safe. Israel is on the frontlines fighting our fight.

If the safety of our Biblical values is precious to you, then the safety of Israel ought to be precious to you.