When I read this I realized all over again that the Left will never cease being delusional.
Or one of us is nuts…them or me.
I’m not even talking about Obama’s concessions to Iran. That too is delusion and insanity. I’ve covered this before and will do so again.
Today it’s about father and son.
Gilad Sharon is the latest to insist that the Gaza expulsion was a success. His father did the right thing. So says Ariel’s son. People like Gilad can’t do the math? One and one equal two. Two and two equal four and 10,000 Israelis expelled from Gush Katif equal 10,000 rockets fired from Hamas.
I’m not even sure if Gilad belongs to the Left. Several times he’s quacked like a hawk. But not on Gaza, at least this time.
This time he sounds positively thrilled about what happened 10 years ago, August 15, 2005, another Jewish date that will live in infamy. So the anniversary comes up in a month and if they’ll be handing out candy in Ramallah there’ll be backslapping and towel-snapping in the newsrooms of Haaretz and The New York Times.
Name the mistake and the Left will never say “Oops. We goofed. Sorry.” In fact, they double down, as does Gilad.
I can’t quote from the article in which he defends his father and all the rest of them who adore the fact that Gaza is completely judenrein. Because it makes no sense. What he says is so utterly convoluted. I interpret his comments like this: “Israelis don’t want Gaza because it is so dangerous. The place is full of terrorists.”
The place is full of terrorists, silly, because 10,000 productive law-abiding Jewish Israelis were forcibly removed to make room for Palestinian Arabs, who in turn gave it over to maniacs from the Palestinian Authority, who then fled when an even more diabolical tribe took over, Hamas.
That is not politics. It is mathematics.
For creeps like William Schabas and the UN Human RightsCouncil, Sharon’s Pogrom is the gift that keeps on giving.
Everything changed when sitting Prime Minister Ariel Sharon changed colors overnight. He remained hawkish, but oddly so.
He became a hawk to the Jews but a dove to the Arabs. This happened awfully fast and surprised many Israelis who’d been under the impression that “this land is our land.” Not so. On June 6, 2004, Sharon inaugurated the Disengagement Plan and from that moment on it was hell on earth for any Israeli who demurred.
Sharon fired any cabinet member who voiced doubt or dissent and replaced them with cronies.
The newspapers were silenced into submission. Protesters were rounded up and it made no difference if they were 11-year-old girls carrying signs.
They too were whisked off to jail.
So exactly what is Gilad so happy about? Three wars came and went due to Sharon’s generosity, with a fourth war in the offing any day.
IDF heroes died in all three conflicts. A million Israelis who reside nearby Gaza still can’t sleep properly. They are constantly on edge. For those 10 years they’ve endured constant shelling and rocket fire.
Even when it’s relatively quiet nothing can quiet the children, and the adults, suffering from nightmares.
On top of all that Israel’s enemies repeatedly have something to crow about – alleged “disproportionate response.”
For creeps like William Schabas and the UN Human Rights Council, Sharon’s Pogrom is the gift that keeps on giving.
We need Gilad to further explain himself. Understood. Some people refuse to apologize even for their most horrendous mistakes. Also understood that Gilad was trying to honor his father. This is entirely proper. But silence would have been the golden approach for that Biblical imperative.
As it is, Gilad is only rubbing it in. Gush Katif was a tragedy. To gloat over it as a success is shameful and preposterous.
If apologies are too much to ask from Gilad and the entire Left, an explanation for everything gone wrong will do for a start.
We need to know if these people are merely stubborn, or absolutely hopeless.
Jack Engelhard writes a regular column for Arutz Sheva. New from theNew York-based novelist, The Bathsheba Deadline, a newsroom thriller ripped from the headlines. Engelhard wrote the int’l bestseller IndecentProposal that was translated into more than 22 languages and turned into a Paramount motion picture starring Robert Redford and Demi Moore. Website: www.jackengelhard.com
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