They used to say that oftentimes Golda Meir was “the only man in the room.” The same might be said of Ayelet Shaked.
A Member of Knesset since 2013, Shaked, 39, was recently appointed to serve as Minister of Justice for Benjamin Netanyahu’s government. The appointment has been greeted with satisfaction from many on the Right and with howls of protest from everybody on the Left.
The Left does not like her because too often she speaks her mind and tells the truth. To the Left, this is a flaw.
Shaked believes in no two-state solution and Arab MKs, including Ahmed Tibi and Haneen Zoabi often felt the lash of her rebuke. The lady is no pushover.
She is called “extreme”…an “extreme right-winger”…but that’s what they call anyone who is combative for the Jewish State.
Arabs in Israel, to her thinking, are welcome to their rights.
Objectifying her for her good looks (as some keep trying) – not recommended. She served as an infantry instructor for the Golani Brigade.
Objectifying her for her good looks (as some keep trying) – not recommended. She served as an infantry instructor for the Golani Brigade.
She’s been hearing it from Liberals ever since the Gaza War, when she blamed the terroristsand the mothers and fathers who sent them as well.
Their hands are no less bloody, she charged.
We do that all the time over here in the United States. The man who drove the car is as guilty as the man who pulled the trigger. It is the law.
For daring to implicate those who arm, incite and support the terrorists, swiftly Haaretz, Turkey’s Erdogan and Leftist bloggers galore accused her of decreeing “genocide” against “the Palestinian people,” something she never said or even suggested.
Shaked, who holds a degree in Electronical Engineering and Computer Science, did suggest that Palestinian Arabs were being manipulated to hate.
This, the conditioning, not the people, has to be expunged. The Left, however, makes it a business to misunderstand.
While in the Knesset, Shaked lobbied for equality for women, especially Arab women academics. So she is not easy to define.
However, as Hamas kept firing missiles into Israel, Shaked lost her tempter. Enough is enough. She used some heated language – and whythe hell not?
Apparently, emotions such as anger, rage, indignation are forbidden to Israelis and denied to Jews in general. Not so for this daughter of Israel.
Israelis are expected to keep taking it on the chin and to suffer in silence. Jews, no matter how provoked, must remain obedient.
Radical Muslims are governed by no such restrictions and five times a day Jews are called sons of dogs and pigs. The world does not object.
But Ayelet Shaked is advised to stay polite.
Trouble is, she was born in Israel and was not told that Jews are bred to be willing victims. Read this for the drama of people who refuse to kowtow.
Jimmy Carter and a thousand campuses are in an uproar against Israel.
But Ayelet Shaked is cautioned to speak softly.
Otherwise, the world won’t love her.
This proud defiant Sabra, this fighter for the honor and glory of Israel – it is unlikely that she gives a damn. Better to be respected than loved.
Jack Engelhard writes a regular column for Arutz Sheva. The new thriller from the New York-based novelist, The Bathsheba Deadline, a heroic editor’s singlehanded war on terror and against media bias. Engelhard wrote the int’l bestseller Indecent Proposal that was translated into more than 22 languages and turned into a Paramount motion picture starring Robert Redford and Demi Moore. Website:
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