His Holiness met with the un-holiest, creepiest man on earth, Mahmoud Abbas, and gave him everything he wanted.
My Catholic friends, we need to talk.
Those pictures of Pope Francis hugging and smooching Mahmoud Abbas are making me squirm. How about you?
Sorry to be disrespectful. But somebody needs to break this up. This needs intervention.
I cite myself as a friend of the Church, as an admirer of the faith and of the faithful. To prove this I have credentials. The Church of Toulouse saved my family when the Nazis came marching into France. Other Jews in the region likewise owe their lives to the Archbishop of Toulouse, Jules-Gerard Saliege – God bless his name.
Somebody needs to break this up. This needs intervention.
Then there’s John W. Cassell. We lost him only a few weeks ago. How tragic that a man, a writer so stouthearted should die from heart failure.
We were on the phone practically every day. For 10 years we spoke about my Jewishness and his Catholicism and how beautiful it is that so much of Church liturgy comes from the Hebrew Bible. Except for this and that, we have so much in common.
So now what the hell is going on, if you’ll excuse the expression.
Well, we know exactly what’s been happening. His Holiness meets with the un-holiest, creepiest man on earth, Mahmoud Abbas and gives him everything, nearly the entire Vatican. Abbas wants official recognition of “Palestine.” There is no Palestine, never was, but the Pope complies, as painful as that is to Israel – and to his own flock being slaughtered round the world.
Whatever Abbas wants, Abbas gets. Does Pope Francis know that Abbas is a mass murderer of Jews – and Christians? The big picture on this,here.
Either way, we’re witnessing a nauseating performance, which didn’t start today.
We go back exactly a year ago when the Pope visited the Holy Land. Here’s what I wrote for Arutz Sheva under the title “Pope’s Visit To Israel A Victory for Islamic Terrorism” (May 27, 2014). So from that alone you get the picture what I had in mind and worse, what the Pope had in mind.
I quote from the piece: “The trip had absolutely nothing to do with Israel. It had nothing to do with Jews or Catholics. It was all about Islam and its grievances. Whatever Abbas wanted, The Pope complied.”
Yes, Mahmoud Abbas was in charge. Mahmoud Abbas was the boss. He took over the Pope’s itinerary. He took over the Pope.
So then I wrote: “If the Pope’s journey to the Holy Land was to justify terrorism, mission accomplished.”
Followed by: “Abbas took the stage and never let go. He wrote, produced and directed the entire spectacle…and the Pope obliged.”
Here’s Cassell’s comment: “As an American Catholic I am ASHAMED. And to think Jack's father taught his children to respect the Catholic Church.”
Once upon a time it was different.
“That was Pope John XXIII who (quoting Genesis 45:4) declared to the Jews, ‘I am Joseph, your brother.’
“No, this Pope is Islam’s brother.”
Back to the moment at hand: What hell…I mean what in Heaven’s name is going on?
Jack Engelhard writes a regular column for Arutz Sheva. The new thriller from the New York-based novelist, The Bathsheba Deadline, a heroic editor’s singlehanded war on terror and against media bias. Engelhard wrote the int’l bestseller Indecent Proposal that was translated into more than 22 languages and turned into a Paramount motion picture starring Robert Redford and Demi Moore. Website: www.jackengelhard.com