Friday, June 17, 2016


Trump is right – “we don’t win anymore.” Would Trump be luckier than Obama?

Published: Friday, June 17, 2016 7:52 AM

Over the past couple of weeks we’ve had a gorilla shot to death in Cincinnati to save a child.

Then in Orlando an alligator snatched and drowned a child and again America wept.

Still in Orlando, entertainer Christina Grimmie was shot to death after closing out a performance.

Between all that, Orlando again, a man devoted to Radical Islam shot 49 Americans to death.

One damned thing after another and who’s to blame, fate, coincidence? Something’s going on… something very wrong.

None of these events can be attributed to a single source, except, perhaps, bad luck. We are no longer a lucky country. No more are we blessed.

Home of the brave? Tell that to the millions of Americans who have to be searched from head to toe before they can get on a plane.

All that for fear of the next attack from Islam…okay, Radical Islam.

Not at the moment at least are we a strong, confident people. We are still the greatest big nation on earth, but our heads are bowed.

Some blame Obama and his fellow Liberals for setting a mood of smallness, retreat and defeat. Include me among those who fault the President and his crowd of Blame America First Liberals for bringing the curse of bad vibes upon all our heads, as I’ve been prophesying since thisbook went to print.

Like every cause and effect, bad vibrations attract more bad vibrations. So if there is no direct source, there is, however, a particular mood that grips a household when the head of the family turns sullen and hateful and runs the family through the whip of a bad temper.

Then there’s bad blood and bad blood leads to bad luck. The leader of a country, like the head of a family, sets the tone.

Obama seems to forever have a claim against us. What does that do? It makes us feel awful, battered and awful. How low can we get?

On the happiness index, we rank 105 against the 151 countries surveyed. Israel ranks 11th; some have it among the Top Five.

When did it start? It started at the beginning, when Obama took office and rushed to beg the Muslim world for indulgence. (Did no good.)

Then he begged the rest of the world for forgiveness. We were no party to this.

He spoke for himself but as President he spoke for all of us – and all of us were put to shame.

The shame lingers -- especially since he keeps apologizing from one act of Islamic barbarity to the next, even last week’s.

For Obama and the Liberals behind him, it’s never about them; it’s always about us.

Any wonder America is down in the dumps? Any surprise that we keep running out of luck?

Conspiracy nuts – who may not be so crazy – will tell you that every time the United States acts against Israel, something terrible happens. They have statistics to prove all that, how tornadoes happen and rivers overflow their banks each time Obama or the State Dept. blame Israel for retaliating against Arab terrorism.

I won’t buy that, necessarily, but nothing really good has come our way ever since Obama made a separate peace with the murderous rulers of Iran.

As Trump has it, “We don’t win anymore,” and he’s got it right.

Call it what you will, and let’s be quick to say that our Muslim neighbors are as law-abiding as the rest of us, but altogether Islam has done us no favors, and when Obama and Hillary protest, they protest too much. Here is a list of the 100 Muslim-related atrocities before and since 9/11…so many of them under Obama’s watch.

What’s next – and who cares if it’s foreign-grown or homegrown, they keep coming and they keep us jittery.

Their terrorism may be unrelated to the atrocities and the tragedies that have nothing to do with Islam, but this much is for sure:

Obama has not been a lucky president. Let’s hope our next president (never Hillary) is smart and more important – lucky!

New York-based bestselling American novelist Jack Engelhard writes a regular column for Arutz Sheva. He is the author of the international bestseller “Indecent Proposal.” NEW: “News Anchor Sweetheart.,” fiction that reflects on Fox News and Megyn Kelly. Engelhard is the recipient of the Ben Hecht Award for Literary Excellence. Website:

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