A State of the Union we'd rather forget.
Published: Thursday, January 14, 2016 7:18 AM
No, friends and countrymen, I did not watch the speech, Obama’s State of the Union rhapsody. I tuned out. I tuned out long ago.
From all of them. Too much baloney so that one speech is the same as the next and one politician is the same as any other.
There’s never a straight answer, only slippery responses that have been tested and rehearsed to keep us sedated as we swoon back to Jimmy Carter’s malaise.
On the sports channel there was a hockey game in action. That’s what I watched.
Good game. One team won. The other team lost. That’s so simple.
Life is much more complicated, especially around politics, and since I’m supposed to keep up, I did switch over to catch moments here and there and to hear the president say, “About the Iran Deal – oops. Was I ever wrong! My critics were right and I am so sorry. I am ready to apologize to my dear friend and mishpacha Bibi.”
To the contrary, photos emerged today of the 10 US sailors who were detained by Iran’s Revolutionary Guard. Iran was happy to show our guys – hence the United States – trembling and humiliated. One of the sailors can be seen apologizing to his captors.
John Kerry (not John Wayne) counts the shameful episode as a victory, and credits himself that he got them out within 15 hours.
I also expected this from Obama, and this too never came from his big speech: “It’s true. Kerry is an idiot.”
The picture of US sailors on their knees to Iran provides the perfect image of America during the Obama years. How’s that for legacy!
In this saga of master and man, Kerry insists that he did not apologize to his masters the ayatollahs, merely expressed gratitude for their “cooperation.”
He groveled. The incident shames and endangers us all.
Let there be no doubt that Israel is the noblest country in the region and all things considered, Israel, yes Israel is the safest country in the world.

In Europe white people are called hooligans. That’s what the politicians and the media call white people when they gather to protest against Muslims raping their daughters.
Obama did not mention this, either. Of course not. That might annoy imams and ayatollahs everywhere.
The absurdities have no end, but may have begun, for me, with Eric Holder when he ran the justice department as a kangaroo court. Over in Philadelphia a group of New Black Panthers stood menacingly on the steps of a polling station to intimidate white voters. Holder found no reason to investigate or prosecute the bullies.
White people are not popular anymore. Have you noticed?
In Europe white people are called hooligans. That’s what the politicians and the media call white people when they gather to protest against Muslims raping their daughters. Automatically this makes them racists and bigots.
They become instant “right-wing fanatics.” Never a thought that these might be ordinary burghers with legitimate gripes.
In America it went wrong for white people as soon as we elected a black president. Go figure.
So I tuned out, so far as taking it seriously, anything political, at the IRS hearings. Congress (Republicans!) huffed and puffed but Lois Lerner is not in jail.
Neither is Hillary. This crooked lady is starting to slip in the polls against the Vermont communist Bernie Sanders, as a protest, I imagine.
Even fellow Democrats can’t stomach the yenta.
Democrats may be crazy but not suicidal. I take that back. Who can figure New Yorkers voting for Bill di Blasio?
Him in. I’m out. I give up.
Yup, under the new mayor, Jim Kenney, Philadelphia is a sanctuary city where, coincidentally, a man shot a cop in the name of Islam. How did he get in?
How do they get into New York? New York is another sanctuary city and di Blasio can’t welcome enough of those migrants. His hero Trudeau just took in 10,000.
I did not hear Obama mention Syria, though he did put in a good word about migrants, meaning the Syrians. He’s a big fan.
He’s a pal to the Iranians, no matter what, and he’s a pal to the Syrians, no matter who.
I need to ask – when did the Syrians become such good friends, either for America or for Israel? They were on the wrong side during every conflict. They were on the side of the Soviets long before Putin.
They fought, savagely, against Israel in every war.
When I was attached to the Navy base in Haifa I spoke to everyone and from cadets to admirals all agreed that the Syrians were our fiercest enemies.
They cheered when the Twin Towers went down and they cheered for Arafat and for Abbas from one intifada killing spree to the next. Read this!
Now they’re our buddies?
Indeed now they’re in bad shape and those heartbreaking images from the BBC, every hour on the hour, are truly disturbing.
Suffering Jews, Christians, Kurds and Yazidis rate so such mercies.
I don’t need the BBC or The New York Times or even Obama or Hillary or Trudeau or Merkel to tell me where to place my sympathies.
I don’t need Obama sharing his dreams and his successes while America is being duped and disgraced in Iran and throughout the world.
From all of them. Too much baloney so that one speech is the same as the next and one politician is the same as any other.
There’s never a straight answer, only slippery responses that have been tested and rehearsed to keep us sedated as we swoon back to Jimmy Carter’s malaise.
On the sports channel there was a hockey game in action. That’s what I watched.
Good game. One team won. The other team lost. That’s so simple.
Life is much more complicated, especially around politics, and since I’m supposed to keep up, I did switch over to catch moments here and there and to hear the president say, “About the Iran Deal – oops. Was I ever wrong! My critics were right and I am so sorry. I am ready to apologize to my dear friend and mishpacha Bibi.”
To the contrary, photos emerged today of the 10 US sailors who were detained by Iran’s Revolutionary Guard. Iran was happy to show our guys – hence the United States – trembling and humiliated. One of the sailors can be seen apologizing to his captors.
John Kerry (not John Wayne) counts the shameful episode as a victory, and credits himself that he got them out within 15 hours.
I also expected this from Obama, and this too never came from his big speech: “It’s true. Kerry is an idiot.”
The picture of US sailors on their knees to Iran provides the perfect image of America during the Obama years. How’s that for legacy!
In this saga of master and man, Kerry insists that he did not apologize to his masters the ayatollahs, merely expressed gratitude for their “cooperation.”
He groveled. The incident shames and endangers us all.
Let there be no doubt that Israel is the noblest country in the region and all things considered, Israel, yes Israel is the safest country in the world.
In Europe white people are called hooligans. That’s what the politicians and the media call white people when they gather to protest against Muslims raping their daughters.
The absurdities have no end, but may have begun, for me, with Eric Holder when he ran the justice department as a kangaroo court. Over in Philadelphia a group of New Black Panthers stood menacingly on the steps of a polling station to intimidate white voters. Holder found no reason to investigate or prosecute the bullies.
White people are not popular anymore. Have you noticed?
In Europe white people are called hooligans. That’s what the politicians and the media call white people when they gather to protest against Muslims raping their daughters. Automatically this makes them racists and bigots.
They become instant “right-wing fanatics.” Never a thought that these might be ordinary burghers with legitimate gripes.
In America it went wrong for white people as soon as we elected a black president. Go figure.
So I tuned out, so far as taking it seriously, anything political, at the IRS hearings. Congress (Republicans!) huffed and puffed but Lois Lerner is not in jail.
Neither is Hillary. This crooked lady is starting to slip in the polls against the Vermont communist Bernie Sanders, as a protest, I imagine.
Even fellow Democrats can’t stomach the yenta.
Democrats may be crazy but not suicidal. I take that back. Who can figure New Yorkers voting for Bill di Blasio?
Him in. I’m out. I give up.
Yup, under the new mayor, Jim Kenney, Philadelphia is a sanctuary city where, coincidentally, a man shot a cop in the name of Islam. How did he get in?
How do they get into New York? New York is another sanctuary city and di Blasio can’t welcome enough of those migrants. His hero Trudeau just took in 10,000.
I did not hear Obama mention Syria, though he did put in a good word about migrants, meaning the Syrians. He’s a big fan.
He’s a pal to the Iranians, no matter what, and he’s a pal to the Syrians, no matter who.
I need to ask – when did the Syrians become such good friends, either for America or for Israel? They were on the wrong side during every conflict. They were on the side of the Soviets long before Putin.
They fought, savagely, against Israel in every war.
When I was attached to the Navy base in Haifa I spoke to everyone and from cadets to admirals all agreed that the Syrians were our fiercest enemies.
They cheered when the Twin Towers went down and they cheered for Arafat and for Abbas from one intifada killing spree to the next. Read this!
Now they’re our buddies?
Indeed now they’re in bad shape and those heartbreaking images from the BBC, every hour on the hour, are truly disturbing.
Suffering Jews, Christians, Kurds and Yazidis rate so such mercies.
I don’t need the BBC or The New York Times or even Obama or Hillary or Trudeau or Merkel to tell me where to place my sympathies.
I don’t need Obama sharing his dreams and his successes while America is being duped and disgraced in Iran and throughout the world.
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