Thursday, January 28, 2016


There is one side doing the murdering and another defending itself, Mr.Trudeau. Both sides did not stab Dafna and Shlomit.

Published: Thursday, January 28, 2016 8:00 AM

So Mr. Trudeau thinks it’s about time to get tough with the Jews. The Jews have had it too good.

The Jews, in Trudeau’s eyes, were doing wonderfully under Stephen Harper. No more Harper.

A new Pharaoh ascended and he knew not Joseph.

No more Mr. Nice Guy from the Trudeau Government. Why? Because it’s 2016.
Under Harper, Israel had Canada’s full support. Under Harper, Israel was a light unto the nations.

Canada’s MacKenzie King Government (1935-1948) had this to say about taking in Jewish refugees from the Holocaust: “None is too many.”
Israel had a right, a duty to protect itself from Muslim violence…the same violence afflicting the entire world. Same people doing the same harm.

Under Trudeau, happy days are here for Muslim refugees coming to Canada and Muslim terrorists already in Israel.

Now “both sides” are equally at fault for the spree of deadly stabbings that have tyrannized the Jewish State over the past few months.

According to Trudeau and his Liberal ministers, Canada is delivering a “tough message” to Israel regarding “Israeli and Palestinian violence.” Both sides it appears walked into Dafna Meir’s home and murdered her in front of her children. Both sides knifed Shlomit Krigman to death.

Both sides keep knifing innocent Israelis day after bloody day.

No, Mr. Trudeau, one side keeps doing all that and let’s get it straight, it’s Palestinian Arab Muslims doing it, as difficult as it is for Liberals to swallow the facts and face the truth. Before you start getting too “tough” on the Jews, remember this, you won’t be the first.

Canada’s MacKenzie King Government (1935-1948) had this to say about taking in Jewish refugees from the Holocaust: “None is too many.”

That was tough for my family, which somehow made it in even against those impossible odds.
Must say this, that if you were a kid and wanted to grow up in a wonderful town, you could do no better than Montreal, where I was partly raised.

There is no space here to mention the town’s many characteristics, good and bad but always exhilarating, so let it be enough to say that I was there for Maurice “”Rocket” Richard, Jean Beliveau and the glorious Canadiens. Montreal was also the place where Jackie Robinson got his start.

Montreal was dazzling, in my time, a true melting pot, with the usual saints and sinners, ethnic rivalries and turf wars.

Stepping into a French neighborhood if you were “English” could be risky.

We were sure to take some blows. We never knew what we did to deserve this. But Montreal was also a tolerant town. There was anti-Semitism, yes, but also the fervor or Zionism that echoed from “The Main” into and beyond Park Avenue and Outremont.

Yes, that’s Montreal, Quebec and speaking of Quebec, perhaps that Province’s restless Separatists within your own country require your attention far more than your meddling into what is happening in Israel – which, frankly, is none of your business, no more than it would be Israel’s concern for the next Referendum calling on Quebec to declare itself separate from the rest of Canada.

Quebec remained Canadian by merely a few ballots the last time (1995) the vote was taken. That is much nearer to you than Israel.

It’s a shame he left us much too early, but my Saint Urbain Street neighbor, Mordecai Richler, Canada’s leading novelist, covered that nicely in “Barney’s Version” and if I may so impolite, I cover the mood of the times in my own Montreal memoir, “Escape From Mount Moriah.”

My memories of growing up in Canada are entirely favorable, despite the quota that barely got us in and the gang wars that made it tough going to school.

Montreal was a tough town – but tough with a heart. We could use some of that heart from you today, Mr. Trudeau.

Your message on International Holocaust Remembrance Day was terribly heartless and utterly disappointing. You forgot to mention the Six Million Jews.
Perhaps an oversight, aye?

But be sure that once again Jews are taking punishment, this time from Palestinian Arab Muslims; so sorry to be so direct and politically incorrect.

But some of us mean it when we say Never Again; regardless of who it is that does the killing in the name of whatever specious cause and complaint.

Be sure that real people are being hurt. The most you could do is be a mensch and come to Israel’s side unconditionally as did your predecessor Stephen Harper.

Mr. Harper will always be remembered as a friend of Israel, a friend of truth and liberty.

The least you could do is stay out of it and behave like your predecessor of yore, MacKenzie King.

He and his Government remained silent while Jews were being murdered during the Holocaust. Prime Minister King is also remembered, but with disdain.

How do you choose to be remembered, Mr. Trudeau?

Sunday, January 24, 2016


It's a choice between a gamble that could work out and certain catastrophe.

Published: Sunday, January 24, 2016 5:29 PM

At the moment this particular patriotic American and passionate Zionist is undecided on whom to choose among the GOP hopefuls running for President. Maybe Rubio. Maybe Cruz. But if Trump runs the table and gets nominated there is no choice except to back him fully, 100 percent.

If you don’t like Trump, better to hold your nose for an instant rather than four to eight more years.

Yes, Trump is no Reagan. But he is no Hillary, and that is all that counts to save this country of ours.

I say this after what just happened. True well-meaning Conservatives, led by Rich Lowry and the team of editors at the National Review, came out blasting the frontrunner. They’ve written a scathing editorial against Trump and broke it to us through Megyn Kelly on Fox News and the brawling within the family has begun.

They argue that Trump is no Conservative. Got it. He waffles. He cares only about himself. He is no Reagan. He must be stopped.

Got that too, but I’ll take an imperfect Conservative like Trump over a perfect Liberal like Hillary any day.

In fact I’ll take anybody, and I mean anybody so long as we do not get another Democrat in the White House.

A Reagan comes along but once in a lifetime and we have got to stop getting messianic waiting for Reagan to happen again.

The voting process is always a wager. Seldom are the choices ideal. Trump is not ideal. With Trump we are only guessing how good or bad he’ll be for America and Israel. It’s a toss-up, a roll of the dice. With

Hillary we know EXACTLY the doom that awaits us all.

So agreed, Trump is a gamble. We don’t know what we’re getting.

But if he’s got winning ways, if he’s a winner, that’s good enough for me and maybe good for the country. Right. I am not sure. But I am a gambler. {Here’s proof.)

Hillary is no gamble. We know exactly what we’d be getting and I am saying this to fellow Conservatives who’ve already declared that they’ll be “staying home” if it’s Trump. This means a vote for Hillary and this means doom for us and disaster for the only country holding it together for us in the tinderbox Middle East, the Jewish State of Israel.

Will Trump be “good for women?”Can’t be worse than Hillary who said nothing about women being raped by Migrants throughout Europe.
While you’re “staying home” consider the favor you’ll be doing for President Hillary and to the million “refugees” she intends to invite to your home…consider the designs she has for Israel with such cronies as Huma Abedin, Sidney/Max Blumenthal, Tom Pickering et al.

Have you thought this through? The upcoming election is for all or nothing.

Let’s remember what we’re talking about. We are talking about the Presidency of the United States of America. Have we not learned? The President holds complete power. The President is everything. The President is king. Obama has taught us this if nothing else.

There is no balance of powers. Not anymore.

It’s his country and we’re just traffic. We’re just in the way as he (and she!) transforms this country into what’s happening in Sweden, in Merkel’s Germany and what’s already begun happening in burka-loving Trudeau’s Canada.

Am I hearing this right? You’re staying home to watch this happen?

Is it really wise to skip the vote with so much at risk?

Remember our 10 US Sailors on bended knee to their mocking Islamic captors. I doubt that Trump would have trifled. He’d take action.

I could be wrong.

Will Trump be “good for women?”

Can’t be worse than Hillary who said nothing about women being raped by Migrants throughout Europe. She wants to bring more of them into our country.

Not so Trump.

I could be wrong again.

Will Trump be good for Jews? Can’t be worse than Hillary who is reliably documented here, calling an aide “f***ing Jew bastard.”

I’m still wrong?

But I’ll take my chances. Give it to Hillary (by staying home) or any other Democrat and all bets are off.
Our ruin is guaranteed.

If it’s Cruz or Rubio, I’m in. If it’s Trump, okay too – warts and all.

Monday, January 18, 2016


She was the ideal Israeli, a daughter of Judea from the line of Sarah, Rebecca, Rachel and Leah.

Published: Monday, January 18, 2016 8:42 PM

Blast them all.

That was my first thought upon hearing the news that, dear G-d, another Israeli has been stabbed to death by another Muslim terrorist.

How much more of this can we take before we answer back and remove them, remove them all, all of them, from the Land of Israel?

A terrible, unforgiving instinct takes over after one of these events and, if you’re like me, you weep, and then cry vengeance.

Lord, remove this pestilence from the entire face of the earth.

Later we cool off. We return to our senses. We recognize that they are not all like that and we even feel a sense of guilt for our impulses.

He came from Oslo. He came from Europe. He came from the European Union. He came from BDS.
But after an event like this, so random, so brutal, anyone who does not express unforgiving outrage, rage without pity, if only for a moment, is himself sub-human, a man without a heart just like the Palestinian Arab savages who choose for themselves the most vulnerable, the most defenseless to do their ungodly handiwork.

Absolute indignation, we owe ourselves this much, if only this much to remedy our grief and despair.

At times like these our anger is the only comfort we have left. Fury is our only answer to our broken hearts.

Dafna Meir was 38 when they came for her. She was the ideal Israeli, a daughter of Judea from the line of Sarah, Rebecca, Rachel and Leah. She was a loving wife to her husband Natan, a loving and doting Jewish mother to her six children. She was a woman of valor, choosing to live in Otniel, the Biblical heartland of the Jewish State; the Bible Belt scorned by the world.

Screw them all!

She was a nurturer. Two of her children were adopted. She was a healer. At the Soroka Hospital in Be’er Sheva, she served as a nurse.

She had so much more to give.

From every account and from her photo alone we see her as the embodiment of the Israeli woman, joyful, spunky, courageous, creative, tough, soft, freedom-loving, neighborly, faithful to the Land and her People. Is this why they chose her? Yes it is. This is their “armed struggle.”

For their “armed struggle” they choose women. They choose children. They choose men, women and children in their prime.

Dafna Meir was in her prime. Grandchildren are sure to come. She will never see them. A Palestinian Muslim Arab terrorist took care of that.

Damn them all!

Where did he come from, this terrorist? The search is on. But we know. He came from Arafat. He came from Mahmoud Abbas.

Damn them all!

He came from Oslo. He came from Europe. He came from the European Union. He came from BDS.

Blast them all!

He came from the BBC. He came from CNN. He came from The New York Times. He came from Haaretz.

Damn them all!

He came from every land swap. He came from every prisoner exchange. He came from every sign that Israel can be TAKEN.

He came from every Church that supports the boycott movement and he came from every Synagogue that welcomes them as migrants and that accepts the myth of moral equivalence. They all had a hand in the dagger to the chest that took the life of Dafna Meir in her prime.

Damn them all.

Later it will be time to repent for our hard feelings. Ordinarily we are not like this. We do not think like this.

We are good people. Among us are Torah-observant Jews, whether we practice it religiously or not, joined by upright Christians devoted with us to the Biblical imperative to love our neighbors as ourselves. This is not like us to condemn the good along with the wicked.

Yes, later it will be time to relent and repent. But not just yet.

Saturday, January 16, 2016


A State of the Union we'd rather forget.

Published: Thursday, January 14, 2016 7:18 AM

No, friends and countrymen, I did not watch the speech, Obama’s State of the Union rhapsody. I tuned out. I tuned out long ago.

From all of them. Too much baloney so that one speech is the same as the next and one politician is the same as any other.

There’s never a straight answer, only slippery responses that have been tested and rehearsed to keep us sedated as we swoon back to Jimmy Carter’s malaise.

On the sports channel there was a hockey game in action. That’s what I watched.

Good game. One team won. The other team lost. That’s so simple.

Life is much more complicated, especially around politics, and since I’m supposed to keep up, I did switch over to catch moments here and there and to hear the president say, “About the Iran Deal – oops. Was I ever wrong! My critics were right and I am so sorry. I am ready to apologize to my dear friend and mishpacha Bibi.”

To the contrary, photos emerged today of the 10 US sailors who were detained by Iran’s Revolutionary Guard. Iran was happy to show our guys – hence the United States – trembling and humiliated. One of the sailors can be seen apologizing to his captors.

John Kerry (not John Wayne) counts the shameful episode as a victory, and credits himself that he got them out within 15 hours.
I also expected this from Obama, and this too never came from his big speech: “It’s true. Kerry is an idiot.”

The picture of US sailors on their knees to Iran provides the perfect image of America during the Obama years. How’s that for legacy!

In this saga of master and man, Kerry insists that he did not apologize to his masters the ayatollahs, merely expressed gratitude for their “cooperation.”

He groveled. The incident shames and endangers us all.

Let there be no doubt that Israel is the noblest country in the region and all things considered, Israel, yes Israel is the safest country in the world.

In Europe white people are called hooligans. That’s what the politicians and the media call white people when they gather to protest against Muslims raping their daughters.
Obama did not mention this, either. Of course not. That might annoy imams and ayatollahs everywhere.

The absurdities have no end, but may have begun, for me, with Eric Holder when he ran the justice department as a kangaroo court. Over in Philadelphia a group of New Black Panthers stood menacingly on the steps of a polling station to intimidate white voters. Holder found no reason to investigate or prosecute the bullies.

White people are not popular anymore. Have you noticed?

In Europe white people are called hooligans. That’s what the politicians and the media call white people when they gather to protest against Muslims raping their daughters. Automatically this makes them racists and bigots.

They become instant “right-wing fanatics.” Never a thought that these might be ordinary burghers with legitimate gripes.

In America it went wrong for white people as soon as we elected a black president. Go figure.

So I tuned out, so far as taking it seriously, anything political, at the IRS hearings. Congress (Republicans!) huffed and puffed but Lois Lerner is not in jail.

Neither is Hillary. This crooked lady is starting to slip in the polls against the Vermont communist Bernie Sanders, as a protest, I imagine.

Even fellow Democrats can’t stomach the yenta.

Democrats may be crazy but not suicidal. I take that back. Who can figure New Yorkers voting for Bill di Blasio?

Him in. I’m out. I give up.

Yup, under the new mayor, Jim Kenney, Philadelphia is a sanctuary city where, coincidentally, a man shot a cop in the name of Islam. How did he get in?

How do they get into New York? New York is another sanctuary city and di Blasio can’t welcome enough of those migrants. His hero Trudeau just took in 10,000.

I did not hear Obama mention Syria, though he did put in a good word about  migrants, meaning the Syrians. He’s a big fan.

He’s a pal to the Iranians, no matter what, and he’s a pal to the Syrians, no matter who.

I need to ask – when did the Syrians become such good friends, either for America or for Israel? They were on the wrong side during every conflict. They were on the side of the Soviets long before Putin.

They fought, savagely, against Israel in every war.

When I was attached to the Navy base in Haifa I spoke to everyone and from cadets to admirals all agreed that the Syrians were our fiercest enemies.

They cheered when the Twin Towers went down and they cheered for Arafat and for Abbas from one intifada killing spree to the next. Read this!

Now they’re our buddies?

Indeed now they’re in bad shape and those heartbreaking images from the BBC, every hour on the hour, are truly disturbing.

Suffering Jews, Christians, Kurds and Yazidis rate so such mercies.

I don’t need the BBC or The New York Times or even Obama or Hillary or Trudeau or Merkel to tell me where to place my sympathies.

I don’t need Obama sharing his dreams and his successes while America is being duped and disgraced in Iran and throughout the world.

Wednesday, January 13, 2016


And it is an instant best seller.

Published: Tuesday, January 12, 2016 9:00 AM

Yes, it’s Springtime for Hitler all over again. If you read that Mein Kampf has just been republished in Germany, you read it right.

If you read that the book is flying off the shelves, this too is correct.

Pornography always sells.

The copyright expired December 31, so the people responsible for such things,

Deutschland’s Institute for Contemporary History, were left with an enigma, or weltschmerz. Probably there was much “soul searching” until it was decided, “What harm can it do?”

Plenty. The timing couldn’t be worse. So far as anti-Semitism we are back to 1933.

This is Europe, don’t forget, where even as they run, hide and bolt their doors against Muslim predators, the EU still finds time to boycott Jewish goods. Luxuriating in the ancient superstition of Jew-hating is becoming a ridiculous pastime. The Jews are going, going, gone. It’s time to smell the Halal.

Presumably the Mein Kampf re-issue, abetted with critical annotations, is meant to engage serious readers and scholars (or people who long for the good old days).

The intellectuals may well need the new edition for perspective and “historical purposes.” This does not explain why the book has become a sensation.

There is no need to whisper “about the Jews.” Not anymore. Hitler’s gone public again. He’s hot. He’s in style.
There aren’t that many intellectuals, not enough to make it an instant bestseller.

The appeal must be elsewhere, among those who will be thrilled and titillated by the twisted ravings of a madman.

For many, the book will serve as a “how-to” handbook, just in case the Koran isn’t persuasive enough. Anti-Semitism for Dummies.

We are not talking about all of them and if it’s “only” 10 percent it still means the world is in danger and the streets are unsafe for women especially.

If there was ever a time to Index a book, it’s this one, as millions of migrants, mostly from Arab countries, keep pouring into Europe, thanks to Angela Merkel’s terrible blunder. She opened the door wide open for people, 70 percent of them men without women, who bring with them tribal feuds and a culture totally incompatible with Western values, typified by the Rape of Cologne as told here prophetically.

They need this book?

Rather, it will only serve to justify their homegrown clannish bigotries, now reinvigorated in a new country.

They bring their prejudices with them wherever they go and they don’t need reading material to make them Brown Shirt believers.

These “refugees” are born brainwashed. They get indoctrinated in the womb. They arrive inflamed and they are coming to America.

Obama’s State of the Union address on Tuesday highlights Syrian refugees on hand as a means to condition the country for more, more, more.

No word from the White House about Philadelphia where a police officer was shot point blank by a man who said he did it in the name of Islam.

So it goes for Liberals like Obama and Hillary and Trudeau and Merkel who reckon that Christians and Jews ought to know their place, second-class to the beloved migrants. So it goes for Germany where this year alone, it’s a million automatic anti-Semites fresh off the boat.

With Hitler and Mein Kampf to greet them.

What can possibly go wrong?

It’s unlikely that they do much reading anyhow, these new-arrivals, and that they even know the particulars of the book. But they do get the message.

Which is? That Germany approves. There is no need to whisper “about the Jews.” Not anymore. Hitler’s gone public again. He’s hot. He’s in style.

Anti-Semitism is in again, though it was never out. The book itself was always in circulation in one form or another.

It must be said that in recent times the German government has been elaborately helpful toward the Jewish State, far more so than the rest of Europe.

Through acts of contrition intended to atone for the sins of the fathers, Germany’s post-war leaders have partnered with Israel on various fronts.

So what was the point of this most recent step?

If it was to remind us that nothing has changed from 1933 to 2016, point well taken. The Munich publishers got that right.

If it was meant to illustrate that nothing has been learned, okay, agreed.

But that would assume that there were no sinister motives, for in fact, that odious book has not only been re-published. It’s been rehabilitated!

This brings to mind Gunther Grass, the German-writing Nobel laureate who for 60 years wrote as the moral voice for a new Germany.

No Third Reich for him, until late in life he revealed a shocker, that he’d been a member of the Waffen-SS.  At first he expressed regret.

Later, however, he dropped hints that he was not sorry for his past.

Not sorry, still the voice for too many in Germany about the past.

Sunday, January 10, 2016


It's called immigration suicide and Europe prefers it to viewing Israel as a partner in the same war.

Published: Friday, January 08, 2016 6:43 AM

Merkel and the rest of Europe tried to keep it a secret. Good thing we have social media. Otherwise we’d know nothing.

If we had to rely on the mainstream media they’d have us just where they want us, whitewashed and blacked out from the truth.

But now we know what happened New Year’s Day and Night in Cologne and throughout Germany and elsewhere around the continent.

Diversity has come home to roost.

Blondes have more fun? Not if they’re in the wrong place at the wrong time.

Hordes of men described by victims as “Arabs” and as “men from North Africa” took to the streets to sexually assault the revelers, mostly female.

There were rapes and attempted rapes and the women courageous enough to speak up continue to tell it straight and without embellishment of what it was like to be manhandled at an event that was supposed to joyous and festive.

In what used to be Europe.

But Europe did not want us to know. To admit the truth would get Israel off the hook.

To admit that this generation of Arabs is the same gang that torments Israel night and day would be a stretch too far for Europeans.

...a generation of Arabs who know no limits, who share no Judeo Christian/Western values and who use our freedoms to liberate their carnal appetites.
To admit that Europe’s Migrants are the same stock as Israel’s Hamas and Fatah and Hezbollah would mean that Europe has awakened.

Europe would rather sleep and destroy itself from within from immigration suicide. (Coming to America as well.)

Europe would rather view Israel as an enemy than as a friend fighting the same war, a world war brought to us all from a generation of Arabs who know no limits, who share no Judeo Christian/Western values and who use our freedoms to liberate their carnal appetites.

Merkel is not entirely to blame but she is much to blame. She opened the door. Come one, come all, she declared. So they came.

This past year alone Germany cheerfully welcomed a million such refugees, most of them men without women – likely deserters from the wars in Iraq and Syria.

Merkel’s heart was probably in the right place, but for the wrong people. It is obvious that she was motivated by atonement, guilt for the Holocaust.

So now, depleted of Six Million Jews, she’s replenished Germany (over the years) with six million Muslims, and the word is, mum.

Say nothing if it was a mistake to bring them in.

The mayor of Cologne, Henriette Reker, blamed the victims. Women, she declared, ought to know their place and “stay at arm’s length.”

Whatever that means…or rather it means that the world belongs to the mobs…the same mob, Hamas, which trampled the streets of Jerusalem only today.

Everything belongs to them.

A high-ranking police officer in Berlin announced that there was nothing the police could do. Women, in other words, are on their own.

Too bad, ladies, but the Migrants come first. It’s their feelings that count.

In a recent column along these pages I wrote about it as clearly as I could:

“Therefore it is not for them to adapt to us – it is for us to adapt to them. When they rape, it is our fault. They can’t help themselves.”

Finally, the mainstream media came clean, but only after being prodded along through Twitter and FacebookThe New York Times opened up about the New Year’s atrocities and even the BBC had no choice but to run with what’s happening in Germany, Sweden and Norway, but without naming Rotherham.

Rotherham was where we first learned about the trend. Women and girls were being raped by men of Pakistani origin, a scandal hushed up to protect Muslims rather than the thousands of victims. People who complained were arrested for daring to speak the truth and upset the balance favoring the coddled predators.

Chalk this up as the insanity of political correctness.

I warned about European Thinking toward a clashing civilization in the pages of this book, writing: “We understand your need to rape, behead, enslave and murder your neighbor. Perfectly understandable.

You’re pi—ed off and it’s our fault.  We are sorry and we are ashamed. We deserve everything you’ve got to give.”

Now, therefore, Islam uber alles.

Does Merkel wake up in a sweat howling, “My gawd, what have I done?” I think so.

But this won’t be the first time Germany is guilty of a terrible blunder six times over.

Wednesday, January 6, 2016


The great feminist seems to need her husband's help, but then the rest of the feminists are busy calling out Israel on inequality of women.

Published: Wednesday, January 06, 2016 12:05 PM

A few days ago Hillary Clinton announced that she’s bringing out her “secret weapon” to help get her to the White House.

That’s Bill Clinton, of course, a father of the Oslo disaster and who has already begun campaigning for his wife, Hillary the feminist.

A feminist needs help?

All along, ever since the 1970s when women began burning their unmentionables on the march for “equality,” we thought it was over for us guys.

We thought, in fact we were told that apart from taking out the garbage, we were totally unnecessary.

So except for the TV remote, we surrendered. We’ll do the dishes.

Gloria Steinem, founder of Ms. Magazine, is still remembered for popularizing Irina Dunn’s complete take down of all men with this damning message: “A woman needs a man like a fish needs a bicycle.”
So apparently fish do need bicycles and women do need men.

At least so it goes for Hillary who forgot Helen Reddy and the feminist anthem: “I am woman. Hear me roar.” Instead, she’s whimpering.

Isn’t this a sign of weakness? The movement insists that a woman can carry the same weight as a man. Women can serve on the front lines. Women can lug a 400-pound fire hose up 40 flights and don’t need men to make babies. So we’ve been taught.

Seems to me that a woman should not need help running for president. She ought to be able to stand on her own two feet, yes, like Trump.

How many Clintons does Trump have to beat? Ought to be just one at a time.

Golda did it on her own and so did Thatcher.

So where are the feminists? We hear none of them roaring that Hillary, their champion, has betrayed their cause.

We don’t hear the obvious, that by admitting that she can’t do it alone, Hillary has reversed decades of feminist ideology and progress.

Singlehandedly, she’s ruined the feminine mystique.

Or am I the only one to notice that because of Hillary, hard-core feminism is dead, or dying? Yes, Hillary Clinton killed the feminist movement.

Hillary mopped the floor with her sisters.

She’s admitted defeat as a strong woman, that’s one, and as a desirable candidate, that’s two strikes.

Yes I said “girls” because a movement that refuses to denounce female suffering and genital mutilation in Muslim countries deserves no respect.

But she can’t be counted out, first because Liberals don’t care about corruption so long as it’s a Democrat doing it to us.

Second because Liberals have imported millions of undocumented

Democrats who will be rushing to the polls along with legally documented migrants.

Even if they can’t speak or read English they will know where X marks the spot.

Third, feminism began dying almost from the day it got started when the sisters searched the world for inequality and found it in Israel, the only country in the entire Middle East where women have equal rights – but that never stopped the girls from condemning Israel at every turn.

Yes I said “girls” because a movement that refuses to denounce female suffering and genital mutilation in Muslim countries deserves no respect.

That goes for Hillary double. She’s their standard-bearer. Yes there is a War on Women, but not around here, but rather in those countries where women are enslaved and brutalized and from which, it’s been alleged, she has taken in millions for her foundation.

Has she ever spoken up like a true feminist, namely Ayaan Hirsi Ali? There’s a woman who speaks with intelligence and truth.

That’s one reason she’s not running for president. That kind seldom makes the cut. Hillary, a liar, does.

As a candidate, she is so unappealing that she had no choice except to reach out for her husband.

Otherwise husbands are useless, until there’s a mouse in the house.

Even Hillary’s poodle Bernie Sanders is beating her in some polls. She needs all the help she can get.

Apparently it’s true what I wrote earlier, that there are no feminists on a sinking ship.