Sunday, September 27, 2015


Yes, I took a chill pill.

Enough with being downcast. Cheer up, people said. So I found a sedative somewhere around the house and guess what, the world seems so much brighter. I’m in love. I’m in love with the world. One pill did the trick. In a speech welcoming the Pope, Philadelphia’s mayor Michael Nutter announced that “love is stronger than hate.”

The Pope said so himself. Even my rabbi says so. In fact everybody says so. I used to disagree. I used to see what’s going on and said it’s just the opposite. I said that hate makes the world go round. Just read the headlines. But I’ve changed my mind. My readers turned me around.

They read my recent columns and proclaimed me depressed. “Relax,” they said. “For your own good. Chill.”

“I’m worried about you,” wrote a particular reader. “You seem upset.”


Most readers were on my side. I’d say 90 percent were with me all the way. But about 10 percent thought that I was being too hard on the world.

The world needs a break and I need a break, and here’s the point – I agreed with the minority. Time to ease off.

I’ve come to realize, thanks to readers worried about my health, that’s it is not so bad. Life is grand.

All we need is love, right? Love…love…love. So much of it going around, this thing called love. It’s in every song. Watch me sing.

So worry about me no more. I’m in. Consider this a rewrite for the previous six columns or so that were “too hard-hitting” against certain types of immigration. I now see this in a different light. Taking back what I wrote before, I think it’s delightful that a million men coming from Syria are changing the face of Europe.

I think it’s fabulous that many of them are en route to the United States and changing the face of America. Fantastic!

The Pope, speaking in Philadelphia, urged more of this influx. Notice I am not saying “invasion.” That was the old me. The new me says, “the more the merrier.”

Yes, the new me (at least for this column) even uses clichés, and is not bothered by the fact that these men are arriving without women. Who needs women and who needs women of the past when there are so many women of the future waiting for them from Stockholm to Philadelphia?

Do not be troubled because the BBC falsifies the entire story. It’s simply the usual media deception that’s happening all over. Nothing new. Be happy.

[Repeat after me]: I am not afraid. I am positively thrilled about this different culture coming in from Syria and Iraq and Afghanistan.
It could be worse, though I don’t know how.

In Philadelphia the Pope said that we should not be afraid of “different cultures.” Who’s afraid?

I am not afraid. I am positively thrilled about this different culture coming in from Syria and Iraq and Afghanistan.

I used to be troubled by the fact that most of these men were quite possibly deserters. They ran from the fight.

Now that I am cured, I say, who cares. Who gives a damn? About anything! It’s a different culture. Why even our own culture is different.

We kill living babies and no matter how late the pregnancy, Democrats says go ahead and abort.

That’s because it’s all about love. Yes…love…love…love.

Love makes the world go round. Even in Afghanistan.

Over there our troops are forbidden to interfere when they catch one of our “allies” sodomizing a boy.

They must remain silent. It’s official policy.

If you are reading this for the first time, well, it’s true, and if you shudder at the thought – don’t. People won’t say you are in love.

People will say you are depressed.

Don’t be depressed. Be like me. Cheerful. Upbeat.

So Americans are expected to turn the other way because --- well because it’s a different culture.

Their love is different from our love.

Ask the Israelis. They know what to expect from that different culture. They get it every day.

They can tell stories about being on the receiving end of the most brutal forms of daily terrorism – but who wants to hear this?

That might keep us from being lighthearted and remember, this column, even this world, is all about being lighthearted.

We do not want to get upset with so much good feeling going round.

All men are brothers! Do you believe? Yes, I believe!

Only a few days ago the top mullah from Iran told us not to take it too seriously, y’know, when he and a million Iranians take to the streets and chant “death to Israel” and “death to America.” Come on. This is not what you think. This is simply a different culture. Actually, it’s about love.

For the sake of our happiness, prosperity and peace of mind, we had better start getting used to it, and fast, as fast as they keep coming.

While Christians in America have been celebrating so much goodwill thanks to the Pope’s visit, meanwhile Christians in another part of the world…

Oh never mind. Let us not get glum and start getting depressed all over again. Let’s talk about love, so much love going around that it hurts.

Thursday, September 24, 2015


The latest poll on the suicidal Iraq Deal shows that 24 percent of Americans think it’s bad. I forget how many think it’s good.

But 40 percent responded that they “don’t know” or have “no opinion.” It’s about the same for the climate change hysteria.

Or bringing into the country 85,000 deserters.

People in the dark, they walk among us. We find them at every survey.

They simply “don’t know” and “have no opinion” about anything.

Life and death situations and millions “don’t care”…”gone fishing’”…”don’t give a damn”…”Alice doesn’t live here anymore.”

We tend to think that we’re a nation politically divided between Republicans and Socialists, I mean Democrats -- but this fails to account for the “Dumb and Dumber” Party. It’s important to remember Jonathon Gruber. This was the Obamacare adviser who smirked that the measure was slipped through without transparency thanks to “the stupidity of the American voter.”

Does this mean that 40 percent of us are totally clueless? Impossible. I choose to read it like this, that (arbitrarily), 20 million Americans are like that, out of 320 million, and the rest of us? We pick up the slack and continue to make this a great country as best we can.

But too often semi-informed voters can tip the scales.

For my part, I have never met such a person. Everyone that I know has an opinion about everything, as of late certainly about Donald Trump and Dr. Ben Carson and whether or not the president is a Muslim. That’s what everybody is talking about, or so I thought.

Sweetheart, will you have an opinion when you show up for church and it’s a mosque?
Doesn’t everybody have a point of view on the 5 to 4 same-sex marriage law, abortion and the Middle East?

No opinion on the pope’s message to America?

But apparently they’re out there, millions sleepwalking in zombie-land.

 “Hello, Mrs. Jones. How do feel about Obama bringing them into this country, the same people who shout Death to America?”

“No opinion.”

Sweetheart, will you have an opinion when you show up for church and it’s a mosque?

This is the first time in history that the leaders of civilized nations have voluntarily relinquished their borders and surrendered their sovereignty, thus leaving their citizens at the mercy to anything that comes. From Ecclesiastes we have it that, “If you see perversion of justice in the land, do not marvel at the matter.”

We’d like to think that we’re talking trailer park trash here, but not necessarily.

First of all some of smartest people I know eat hot dogs for breakfast and live in trailer parks and then there is this – numerous Ivy Leaguers, polled by Fox, are not quite sure when Columbus discovered America, but thought that 1942 sounded about right.

The same college kids who think Israel is “apartheid” and must be “boycotted” also believe, in a survey, that the Civil War started in 1961.

This generation might also be the dreaded adolescent adults that at age 50 and 60 and 70 still take Superman movies seriously.

Is it about staying young or about staying blissfully semi-informed? Semi-informed – but they still vote.

Still they go to the polls and stick us with bums in both houses of Congress, Democrats and even Republicans.

Let’s not even try to understand “undecided” Americans who don’t decide their choices for political leadership until they are in the voting booth.

For the good of the country, study up, people, please.

You’re rolling dice with my world.

Sunday, September 20, 2015


First thing I did was a house search, like a Passover chametz housecleaning for foods and items that don’t belong.

These items happen to be books – books that were written by Ann Coulter. I needed to find them to trash them or burn them.

Too bad. Because she happens to be a fine, witty writer, a strong Conservative – a gal after my own heart.

She was near the top of my list of brainy blonde Conservative bombshells, and politically, we work the same beat.

That is why this hurt, like a kick in the gut – from a valued and trusted friend.

If that is what she is thinking – what about the rest of them who are my trusted political allies?

Disturbed that Israel was getting too much favorable attention at Wednesday’s GOP Debate (at most, four mentions by my count) she went live on twitter to chastise the candidates: “How many f---ing Jews do these people think there are in the United States?” Was she sharing a personal or a public point of view?

Sure enough, she gained approving tweets. Hundreds took her at her word. Make that two words.

Amazing how it just rolls off the tongue.

I’ll tell you this. I was shaken. I thought we had something together. Now – hell, I don’t know.

It takes no courage to be politically incorrect against the Jews. They won’t riot or chop your head off.

I am stumped. I am also worried. I certainly feel betrayed. What I feel mostly is this – lonely. I know. Sounds strange.

But when someone like this, someone like Ann, turns on you – now whom do you trust? Who’s coming out next?

When you lose your trust, your trust in people, that is the beginning of sadness and loneliness.

It’s bad enough that I am at odds with my Leftist acquaintances, but now I feel estranged from the Right. Are we really on the same side?

Or is this what they too are thinking – “f---ing Jew?”

This can lead you to think that truly you are alone and that everyone around you (politically speaking at least) is false.

You will always be special, and not in a good way, but in Ann Coulter’s way. What part of shared Judeo/Christian heritage doesn’t she understand?

Apparently the Judeo part.

For some, that is too much to swallow, and it comes to warn that there will always be something, something to keep us from unpacking our bags entirely, something to keep us from taking a deep breath of having arrived, for “in each generation,” says our tradition, “there will always be Ann Coulters to rise up against us.”

Will we always be visitors?

Something – I hear something about the courage to take on political correctness.

But would she ever say that about people who practice other faiths? Show me that courage and that tweet.

I used to find Coulter’s smart-alecky approach to speech and to writing so refreshing. Now I find it so stale.

It takes no courage to be politically incorrect against the Jews. They won’t riot or chop your head off.

Worst they will do is quit buying your books.

Where do we turn when we can’t go Left or Right? That, friends, is loneliness, and I say “friends” carefully.

Suppose you spend a night with Ann Coulter but in the morning, behold, it’s Roger Waters!

That’s what happened to me this morning. 

Friday, September 18, 2015


Virtually overnight you've become the apartheid continent. From walls and border closures you've fenced yourselves in.

Why won’t you let them in? They are your darlings. Fences are going up all over your continent to prevent more of them from entering.

What happened? You wised up?

A decade ago when Israel built a security barrier to stop the flow of terrorists, you lectured, you judged, you called it disgraceful.
A decade ago when Israel built a security barrier to stop the flow of 

terrorists, you lectured, you judged, you called it disgraceful.
You called it apartheid.

Now who’s talking? Your walls went up faster, higher, stronger than Israel ever tried or imagined about the same problem.

Who’d have thought that finger-pointing Europeans would one day find themselves in Israel’s shoes? Oh how G-d’s justice comes around!

But you are still talking your talk.

You’re still at it, of course. It’s in the water you drink. It’s in the air you breathe. Get the Jews!

Your frontiers are spilling over, your culture is kaput, your daughters are being raped, but you still have time to needle the Jews.

Why not? Rather than face your fall and decline and the disasters taking place in your own backyard – why that would be too much.

So much easier pick on the Jews, who, by the way, you cannot blame for what’s going on at your borders and in your homes even as we speak. That must hurt.

Imagine this! Something’s happening and you can’t blame the Jews. The BBC says that the Migrant Crisis in the biggest story in the world.

But even the BBC can’t blame the Jews. Not for this one. How frustrating that must be.

That does not mean that the world is silent. Never when it comes to the Jews.

From out of nowhere comes Reykjavik. This is the capital of Iceland and is it known only because it once hosted a Bobby Fischer chess match. Nothing else. Those Reykjavik citizens never even gave the world the cuckoo clock, as did the Swiss, thanks for the reminder from Orson Welles.

But today, Iceland’s capital decided it was high time to hit the Jews with something, anything. So they are boycotting all Israeli products.

Hit the Jews where it hurts. Attaway.

This – happening while the entire world is in turmoil over the Migrant Crisis.

Yes, the biggest story in the world, and while it’s still going on, thousands breaching your barriers – now here comes the EU to make it a daily double.

Or is it the UP – the European Parliament? Same thing.

Enough worrying about problems at home – like the rape crisis afflicting Rotherham and all over the UK from the hands of the incoming hordes.

Who has time for this?

Enough caring about your citizens with no roads to travel, no trains to ride, no planes to fly, all because the migrants have taken over.

Who has time for that?

But there is always time for the Jews. So the European Parliament also did a Reykjavik, even earlier.

These Europeans, while the earth is trembling from stomping feet – still had time to boycott Israeli products made by the “settlers.”

Remarkable…and even British trade unions are in the bag against Israel and for BDS.

From out of this book I will keep saying it until it sinks in, “The Koran has arrived and it has come to devour the Bible.”

It’s coming up all over – up yours too Ann Coulter if that was really you who called us “(F-expletive) Jews.”

Back to Reykjavik, council members say they are boycotting Israel in an act of “solidarity with the Palestinian people.” Ditto the European Parliament.

Those people you love so much go back no farther than 1972 when Arafat called them a nation the same year Fischer beat Spassky.

Those Israeli “settlers” have been there since the time of Abraham, nearly 4,000 years ago. It’s in all the books.

It’s even in your Bibles that you read in church – whatever is left of your Bibles and your churches.

You traded in your churches for mosques. You exchanged your Jews for Muslims.

Your prayers were answered. But answered prayers are sometimes a curse.

New York-based author and bestselling novelist Jack Engelhard writes a regular column for Arutz Sheva. His novel “Indecent Proposal” was translated into more than 22 languages and turned into a Paramount motion picture starring Robert Redford and Demi Moore. His latest thriller is “The Bathsheba Deadline.”

Wednesday, September 16, 2015


Only Palestinian Arabs do not seem to be seeking "a better life" in Europe.Isn't that odd?

Another day, another murder in Jerusalem – and Bibi is taking swift action. He’s collecting his staff together for an “emergency meeting.”

That’ll scare the pants off the terrorists! They’re shaking in their boots at the thought of, oh my gawd – an emergency meeting.

Actually it wasn’t just another day when Alexander Levlovitz was killed as the result of Palestinian Arab rock throwers.

It happened at the time of Rosh Hashanah – the Hebrew New Year.

Which automatically says that the new year will be the same as the old year. The Arabs will keep murdering Israelis.

Israelis will continue to hold meetings.

If these particular Arabs are so unhappy about living among Jews that it drives them crazy enough to commit such frequent acts of random bloodshed, why stay? Logic assumes that they’d be happier among their brothers – in Syria, for example. No wait. The Syrians are leaving in droves. They’re not happy among their fellow Syrians.

Same for Iraq, Yemen, Libya and a dozen other such places where Arabs can’t live in harmony with Arabs, never mind Jews.

Arabs are miserable living with Jews. Arabs are miserable living with Arabs. Do we have this straight?

Seems so, even if we are only talking about a minority. But a minority is still a big crowd, enough to fill entire stadiums, like the ones in Hungary, a nation that is trying to keep them penned in to thwart a full-scale invasion of the continent.

That won’t stop anybody “seeking a better life,” as the BBC and the rest of the news media keep reminding us. But why mostly men? Those are mostly men in those imagines of the stampede waiting to storm across all borders. Don’t Muslim women also deserve a “better life?”

Germany offers free room and board, healthcare, jobs, and plenty of space to throw rocks. What’s keeping the Palestinians?

Plus the question of a better life to do what? Best not to ask. Germany, Austria and Sweden are already finding out to their everlasting peril.

So the Syrians are doing the smart thing. They keep coming. By the thousands, and soon the millions, step-by-step they’re taking over Europe as these pages saw coming with the warning that, “The Koran has arrived and it has come to devour the Bible.”

The Europeans may be stupid.

Not so Saudi Arabia and the other Gulf States or even Lebanon and Jordan, who want no part of “their culture and their conflicts.”

But the Syrians know a good thing when they see one – and Germany, most of all, is a good thing.

Germany (though now hesitant) still wants these people and has already sent out a formal invitation for 800,000, which, as we wrote earlier here, will raise the total number of Muslims living within Germany to six million, the same number of Jews that the Germans sent to the gas chambers merely a generation ago.

We called it karma and a trade, Muslims for Jews, that Germany will rue.

So if Germany is so hospitable a place for unhappy Syrians – what’s wrong with the Palestinians? They are also unhappy.

Why wait?

Germany offers free room and board, healthcare, jobs, and plenty of space to throw rocks. What’s keeping the Palestinians?

They’ll be welcomed. Everything will be so much like home – mosquesgalore, five calls a day to prayer, and the heartwarming summons to trample the infidels.

But they refuse to budge. They’re staying. Puzzling that they are not joining the million-man migration.

Is it because they have it so good in Israel? I think so. Israel is a land of freedom. Arabs enjoy all the freedoms enjoyed by Jews.

So it is not necessary for the Palestinian Arabs to “seek a better life.” They already have it by staying put.

Why do they murder? Is the pope Catholic?

Another emergency meeting might be timely for Bibi and his ministers. This one ought to be about how to entice the Palestinians to leave for the happier hunting grounds of such European countries as Sweden and Germany. These two are always complaining about the birthrate.

Just the other day, with a straight face, The New York Times quoted Germans as being thrilled by the migration for the sake of birthrate.

They need to boost the birthrate, you see, which keeps declining due to the lack of infants being born to everyday Swedes and Germans.

Hence, the Syrians and the Iraqis to the rescue. There will be birthrate. What can possibly go wrong with that!

So it’s only fair that Israel ought to consider a program that would be of service to everybody. Send them the Palestinians.

By doing this Europe will be happy and the Palestinians will be as happy as they can ever be, anywhere.

New York-based author and bestselling novelist Jack Engelhard writes a regular column for Arutz Sheva. His novel “Indecent Proposal” was translated into more than 22 languages and turned into a Paramount motion picture starring Robert Redford and Demi Moore. His latest thriller is “The Bathsheba Deadline.”

Friday, September 11, 2015


They welcome the predators uncritically, sacrificing their daughters and wives on the altar of political correctness.

Swedish school authorities are warning their girls to keep their knees and arms covered for fear of this fresh influx of refugees.

Who might they be, these refugees? People from China, Japan, Canada, the United States?

You win if you guessed Iraq, Afghanistan, Pakistan, and mostly, as of late, Syria.

Teachers are saying this new influx into Sweden, which is already the rape capital of world due to a previous influx of the same kind, brings with it men who simply have a different way of looking at girls and women. They are not used to women who – well, they simply are not used to women, period.

Where they come from women are toys, playthings and birthing machines. 

So the Swedes are warning their kids to be extra careful because these new people come from a place where women get no respect. They expect to be abused.

They expect to be raped. Raping is normal in that part of the world.

That is not how I read it in the paper just the other day, but since I lost that particular clipping readers will please rely on my interpretation – for in fact the Swedes never used such terms as “abuse” or “rape.” That would be un-Swedish and so un-European. Political correctness must be observed.
Nor will they admit that nearly all these asylum-seekers are men without women.
So what they say is that these new refugees, mostly from Syria, bring with them a different culture – and it is a culture that must be respected.

Therefore it is not for them to adapt to us – it is for us to adapt to them. When they rape, it is our fault. They can’t help themselves.

They see a woman – and she is theirs for the taking. These well-fed lusty men simply cannot control themselves and their thrill-seeking ways.

It is their way of life and they cannot be blamed.

So say the Swedes, but by use of European Talk, which means using metaphors and avoiding any truth that stares you in the face, like the EU’s plague of rapists.  

My Swedish waitress Olga -- Is she upset about what’s happening to herhome country?
“Yes,” she said. “Those poor people. We must have compassion.”

Strangely, Israel’s Arabs are having no part of the stampede onto Europe. They seem quite content to stay put.
She does not mean the rape victims. She means the brutes. This does not make her heartless. This makes her European. That is how they think.
That is how they are being destroyed from within, and illustrates how absolutely futile it is to reason with Europeans or with American Liberals.
They are entirely too busy being merciful to the wicked…and we know how that ends.

They welcome the predators who can’t control their sexual appetites, as to turn them back would prove that some people are different.
For the typical European and for the typical American Liberal, this is the guiding creed – All people are the same. All people are good.

Rather than face the fact that people are different, that Christians and Jews share no values with cannibals from Islam, Europe is prepared to rollover to accept the virtues of brute force. Europeans are ready to make the switch from the Bible to the Koran; from the belief that women are to be honored and protected to a custom that treats women like cattle.

This is your Europe of today, a place being gobbled up by people, among them savages, who know how to prey upon Western heartstrings. Strangely, Israel’s Arabs are having no part of the stampede onto Europe. They seem quite content to stay put. Very strange.

“The Koran has arrived and it has come to devour the Bible,” we wrote in this book. Finally, we are correct.

One by one they go with the flow of Islam.

In time the cultured European will be inseparable from the primitive, at the expense of women who already have no place to hide.

Still they come, and tomorrow Mr. Obama is bringing them to the United States.

So do not laugh at Sweden and poke no fun at Europe. Lock your daughters. More jihadists are coming next door.

New York-based author and bestselling novelist Jack Engelhard writes a regular column for Arutz Sheva. His novel “Indecent Proposal” was translated into more than 22 languages and turned into a Paramount motion picture starring Robert Redford and Demi Moore. His latest thriller is “The Bathsheba Deadline.”