Thursday, June 30, 2016


Let's get rid of them and their leaders. Now.

Published: Thursday, June 30, 2016 11:03 PM

Clearly, no rational voice would ask for an entire population to be removed. But this is no time to be rational.

Look to the Wisdom of Solomon to find: “A time to love and a time to hate.”

Along with our sorrow at the murder of a 13-year Israeli girl at the hands of yet another fanatical Palestinian Arab named after their prophet, can we at least be allowed the comfort of anger – I mean howling through the roof anger at the barbarity and the injustice of it all?

Will the world give us this much?

Be certain that Israel will take no such action, for reasons too obvious to mention except to note that Israel is a nation of laws, that’s one reason.

Tolerance and justice for all is another reason.

Everywhere they go they cause bloodshed. Yesterday, Turkey. Before that, Orlando.
More than a million and a half Arabs reside in Israel as full-fledged citizens. (Surely plenty of good among them, we must be quick to say.)

So forget deportation except for the fact that at this hour of outrage, we turn to our impulses, and this is the first reflex – get them the hell out of here!

But to where? Who wants them? Everywhere they go they cause bloodshed. Yesterday, Turkey. Before that, Orlando.

Do you need me to list all the places where they’ve gone to commit murder? Every airport is now walled up to keep them as far away as possible.

No place is safe.

But there was no wall in Kiryat Arba, where they came for Hallel-Yaffa Ariel, a beautiful Israeli teen sleeping in her bed.

That is where the killer found her, and knifed her to death.

Yes, the killer has been identified as Mohammed Nasser Tarayra. But it is also time to identify Mahmoud Abbas. Let’s remember where he was last week. He was in Europe speaking to the EU Parliament where for an hour he spewed hatred against the Jewish State – and provoked the kind of incitement that led to Kiryat Arba.

Let us also identify the EU leaders who rather than scorn and rebuke Mahmoud Abbas, instead gave him a standing ovation and kissed his ring.

How much blood is on their hands!

Shouldn’t this man…at least this man be deported…along with his crew of Fatah gangsters?

Let us also identify The New York Times where in today’s paper it cheers Canada for welcoming Syrian migrants with a helping hand and a smiley face, yet can find no headline to tell what really happened in Kiryat Arba – and perhaps it is better that the paper stay out of this because somehow Israel will be placed at fault.

Surely there will be talk about “the occupation.” Who is occupying Turkey? Who occupied San Bernardino? Who occupied Fort Hood?

Who occupied the Twin Towers in New York except for 3,000 innocents busy at work?

In his powerful essay on Kiryat Arba, Ari Soffer addresses American Jews for our failures to be there for our Israeli brothers and sisters – so let’s identify American Jewish author Michael Chabon who made news around the world by declaring “the occupation” as “the most grievous injustice I have seen in my life.”

Not satisfied with that, and in company with “Breaking the Silence,” he’s gathered around him a group of likeminded writers to keep up the bashing.

How much blood is on his hands and when will “Breaking the Silence” be identified?

The burial has been done for the girl who had more than 100 years still to live. The grieving continues.

So does the indignation. This is no time to love your neighbor, when your neighbor is a killer from a confederacy of savages.

New York-based bestselling American novelist Jack Engelhard writes a regular column for Arutz Sheva. He is the author of the international classic “Indecent Proposal” now followed by the prophetic newsroom thriller “The Bathsheba Deadline.” Engelhard is the recipient of the Ben Hecht Award for Literary Excellence. Website:


We have been sedated, duped and deceived.

Published: Friday, June 24, 2016 7:56 AM

Who ever imagined it could be so easy?

But it is, according to our attorney
general Loretta Lynch who, through the UN, once threatened to prosecute any American speaking unkindly against Islam. This time, only a few days ago, addressing Obama’s fan club, the news media, she announced that the only response to ISIS and Radical Islam is LOVE.

In her own words: “Our most effective response to terrorism is compassion; it’s unity and it’s love.”

This came too late for the 49 Americans in Orlando who were murdered by a man who swore allegiance to ISIS, and in the name of Allah.

We can’t help wondering what Ms. Lynch is talking about. Are we on the same planet? Or is she talking about a galaxy far away?

She must have some utopia in mind and if she knows where it is, please, she must clue us in right away before it’s too late.

Because right here on earth, where angels fear to tread, the message of love isn’t getting across – at least not to the right people.

Who are these people running our country? Do they think we’re stupid? Well, yes. Absolutely.
At the moment, not counting ISIS, there are an estimated 62 hot wars in progress where we might find Tina Turner singing, “What’s love got to do with it?”

Who are these people running our country? Do they think we’re stupid?

Well, yes. Absolutely.

Turn the page to a couple of years ago and listen to Obama adviser Jonathan Gruber reveal how Obama’s healthcare law was passed: "Lack of transparency is a huge political advantage, and basically, you know, call it the stupidity of the American voter or whatever, but basically that was really, really critical to getting the thing to pass.”

More recently, listen to another Obama adviser, Ben Rhodes, explain how the Iran Nuke Deal was sneaked through, by hoodwinking the press. “The average reporter we talk to is 27 years-old, and their only reporting experience consists of being around political campaigns.”

He added: “They literally know nothing.”

He means the rest of us, too. The entire administration thinks we’re fools – and maybe we are, given that we keep voting for these people.

Hillary is only waiting her turn to snooker us with her own bagful of slogans and lies.

“Love” is what you tell children who get to scuffling in the schoolyard. “Compassion” is not a sale for the headhunters of Radical Islam who have declared war upon the entire universe. Bumper stickers won’t make them stop. Lullabies won’t put them to sleep.

No, we are the ones who have been sedated, soothed, tranquilized and duped into swallowing every pill of deception.

Ms. Lynch’s message is fit for people suffering “the heartbreak of psoriasis,” or for men hurt by the pain of baldness.

Only Fox News had the chutzpah to ask her why her office tried to cover-up the fact that the Orlando killer was a radicalized Muslim.

After the “love and compassion” mumbo jumbo, she went ahead and averred that nothing means more to her than “transparency.” Huh?

Turning truth on its head and speaking down to us as if we are a nation of dunces – that’s how it’s been for the past seven and a half years.

For all that time we’ve been the victims of a con. Can we last the next seven months?

New York-based bestselling American novelist Jack Engelhard writes a regular column for Arutz Sheva. He is the author of the international classic “Indecent Proposal” now followed by the prophetic newsroom thriller “The Bathsheba Deadline.” Engelhard is the recipient of the Ben Hecht Award for Literary Excellence. Website:

Friday, June 17, 2016


Trump is right – “we don’t win anymore.” Would Trump be luckier than Obama?

Published: Friday, June 17, 2016 7:52 AM

Over the past couple of weeks we’ve had a gorilla shot to death in Cincinnati to save a child.

Then in Orlando an alligator snatched and drowned a child and again America wept.

Still in Orlando, entertainer Christina Grimmie was shot to death after closing out a performance.

Between all that, Orlando again, a man devoted to Radical Islam shot 49 Americans to death.

One damned thing after another and who’s to blame, fate, coincidence? Something’s going on… something very wrong.

None of these events can be attributed to a single source, except, perhaps, bad luck. We are no longer a lucky country. No more are we blessed.

Home of the brave? Tell that to the millions of Americans who have to be searched from head to toe before they can get on a plane.

All that for fear of the next attack from Islam…okay, Radical Islam.

Not at the moment at least are we a strong, confident people. We are still the greatest big nation on earth, but our heads are bowed.

Some blame Obama and his fellow Liberals for setting a mood of smallness, retreat and defeat. Include me among those who fault the President and his crowd of Blame America First Liberals for bringing the curse of bad vibes upon all our heads, as I’ve been prophesying since thisbook went to print.

Like every cause and effect, bad vibrations attract more bad vibrations. So if there is no direct source, there is, however, a particular mood that grips a household when the head of the family turns sullen and hateful and runs the family through the whip of a bad temper.

Then there’s bad blood and bad blood leads to bad luck. The leader of a country, like the head of a family, sets the tone.

Obama seems to forever have a claim against us. What does that do? It makes us feel awful, battered and awful. How low can we get?

On the happiness index, we rank 105 against the 151 countries surveyed. Israel ranks 11th; some have it among the Top Five.

When did it start? It started at the beginning, when Obama took office and rushed to beg the Muslim world for indulgence. (Did no good.)

Then he begged the rest of the world for forgiveness. We were no party to this.

He spoke for himself but as President he spoke for all of us – and all of us were put to shame.

The shame lingers -- especially since he keeps apologizing from one act of Islamic barbarity to the next, even last week’s.

For Obama and the Liberals behind him, it’s never about them; it’s always about us.

Any wonder America is down in the dumps? Any surprise that we keep running out of luck?

Conspiracy nuts – who may not be so crazy – will tell you that every time the United States acts against Israel, something terrible happens. They have statistics to prove all that, how tornadoes happen and rivers overflow their banks each time Obama or the State Dept. blame Israel for retaliating against Arab terrorism.

I won’t buy that, necessarily, but nothing really good has come our way ever since Obama made a separate peace with the murderous rulers of Iran.

As Trump has it, “We don’t win anymore,” and he’s got it right.

Call it what you will, and let’s be quick to say that our Muslim neighbors are as law-abiding as the rest of us, but altogether Islam has done us no favors, and when Obama and Hillary protest, they protest too much. Here is a list of the 100 Muslim-related atrocities before and since 9/11…so many of them under Obama’s watch.

What’s next – and who cares if it’s foreign-grown or homegrown, they keep coming and they keep us jittery.

Their terrorism may be unrelated to the atrocities and the tragedies that have nothing to do with Islam, but this much is for sure:

Obama has not been a lucky president. Let’s hope our next president (never Hillary) is smart and more important – lucky!

New York-based bestselling American novelist Jack Engelhard writes a regular column for Arutz Sheva. He is the author of the international bestseller “Indecent Proposal.” NEW: “News Anchor Sweetheart.,” fiction that reflects on Fox News and Megyn Kelly. Engelhard is the recipient of the Ben Hecht Award for Literary Excellence. Website:

Tuesday, June 14, 2016


To them, we are all infidels, but our president keeps inviting them in. And Trump is getting it right.

Published: Tuesday, June 14, 2016 6:18 AM

Last Wednesday it was Tel Aviv, and only a few days later it was Orlando when Muslim hotheads came to kill.

Everything about it was the same, except that in one place, Israel, the world blamed it on the victims.

“It’s the occupation.” Thus spoke voices from among the Palestinian Arabs beginning with Mahmoud Abbas.

No wait. He also said that “both sides” share the blame.

The Left agreed. From CNN, from the BBC, from The New York Times, from The Washington Post, from the leftist mayor of Tel Aviv and others, we heard that the Tel Aviv killer was “enraged” because of the “occupation” -- to have us believe that this particular Muslim Arab murderer was NOT under the influence of mandatory Jihad.

He was not crazed by calls from the mosques to slaughter nonbelievers.

Nope. He got up one morning and said to himself, what troubles me today? Ah, yes. The occupation.

So who is occupying Orlando, U.S.A?

Must be the same reason that caused the atrocity in Orlando, the occupation…the good old convenient occupation.

Therefore, at any moment we should be hearing about a “peace process” to “bring both sides together.”

From that logic, the United States must be prepared to make “painful concessions” for the sake of peace and security. Orlando must be divided.

After all, what’s good for Tel Aviv must be just as good for Orlando. In their eyes we are all equal, equally guilty for occupying Muslim territory.

We are all infidels, only under different skies.

To Jihadist Islam everything belongs to them and we are all targets. BDS thinks so and on nearly every campus they won’t let anyone forget.

They use every beer hall tactic available to stomp home the message.

The FBI is on the job and the rest of our law enforcement officers are likewise on alert for more of the same. They are monitoring Jihadist terror cells in every state throughout the U.S.A. We are not at the end of this war against Islamic terrorism, which is not “workplace violence,” Mr. President.

We are at the beginning as I’ve been prophesying since this book went to print.

It’s Islamic Terrorism and the 72 virgins awaiting a job well done.

Nor is it generic terrorism, like the kind that keeps killing people in Chicago. No, it’s Islamic Terrorism and the 72 virgins awaiting a job well done.

That’s the imperative that’s got these people “enraged.”

Our cops can’t keep up with them because as soon as they’ve got the ones in the house squared and tabulated, here’s what happens: Obama brings more of them into our homes, and by the boatload from Syria and elsewhere. Hillary keeps asking for more. There are not enough minarets to satisfy her.

She likewise won’t say what IS is. Nor will Bernie, and from a leading spokesman on the Radical Left, something else is bothering him. Immediately after the event, The New Yorker’s David Remnick took to the pages of his own magazine to express his outrage…not against Radical Islam, but against Donald Trump.

Radical Islam is too hot to handle. For Radical Leftists like Remnick, Trump is a far more convenient target. He barks, but he won’t bite.

In a tempter tantrum that shames the esteemed weekly previously known for high literature, Remnick went ballistic, accusing Trump of “exploiting the horror.”

The horror itself? The killer and the Islamic extremism and intolerance that sent him? That did not get nearly as much spit from Remnick as did Trump.

Apparently, Trump is to be faulted and scorned – and for what? For getting it right! Trump wants a halt to the influx.

Anything can happen when we let these people in, and it happened all right.

How typical of the cowardly Left to aim in the wrong direction, even tilting at windmills. How sickening!

New York-based bestselling American novelist Jack Engelhard writes a regular column for Arutz Sheva. He is the author of the international bestseller “Indecent Proposal.” NEW:  Fiction that reflects on Fox News and Megyn Kelly, “News Anchor Sweetheart.” Engelhard is the recipient of the Ben Hecht Award for Literary Excellence.

Saturday, June 11, 2016


He is the head of the snake.

Published: Thursday, June 09, 2016 8:03 AM

There will be the usual roundups after Wednesday’s bloodshed in Tel Aviv – four dead, more wounded from the hands of Palestinian Arab terrorists.

Two men are said to be responsible for this act of savagery against innocent civilians enjoying a day at the Sarona Market in the heart of town.

This was Israel’s mistake. The mistake was to grant respectability to a group of thugs.
They were captured. They are in custody and Israel’s law enforcement and security services are in the process of finding out who they are, where they came from and who sent them.

Let’s not kid ourselves. Mahmoud Abbas sent them.

Whether they do or do not have direct ties to Abbas’s PA (Palestinian Authority), makes no difference. He gave the order.

He gives the orders every day through schoolbooks and cartoons that teach toddlers to hate Jews and through broadcasts that incite Arabs to kill Jews.

Roundup all the suspects, but the stabbings and the shootings will continue until Israel sends a message truly forceful and dramatic.

Arrest Mahmoud Abbas. He’s the head of the snake.

Put him in handcuffs. Make it a public display that Israel means business and will have no more of Islamic terror.

Israel will surely be condemned from the usual sources, but at the same time it will earn the kind of respect it once achieved after the devil-may-care 1976 Entebbe rescue, for which it eventually won applause. Again Israel was condemned in 1981 when its forces bombed to smithereens Baghdad’s nuclear reactor at Osirak.

Later, the world saw the wisdom, and the chutzpah, and the heroism of that action.

The same kind of chutzpah is demanded of Israel today. Abbas must go. He must be shackled and sent to prison – him and his lieutenants, -- for the safety of Israel and as a sign to the world that here is one nation that will tolerate Islamic terror no more.

Reflexively, the nations will jump at the chance to denounce Israel (which it does no matter what) but this time there may also be some cheering.

Nearly every country suffers from Islamic terror. We are all in this together. Let the country free from jihad be the first to complain.

Who is Mahmoud Abbas anyway? He earned his title courtesy of the Oslo Accords, which created he PA.

This was Israel’s mistake. The mistake was to grant respectability to a group of thugs.

This bum, Abbas, was given the rights to a huge slice of Judea and Samaria (the 'West Bank'), which he controls only because Israel provides him the muscle. But he had no muscle when he was given Gaza and Hamas took it from him with barely a fight.

This goon is called President, but remaining in office more than 10 years after his term has expired makes him a President like Al Capone was a President.

His Fatah gangsters are no better than Hamas and ISIS.

The time has come to end this farce that grants him any sort of respect. He is a mobster and it is time to treat him like one.

Responding to the Tel Aviv attack, an emotional Benjamin Netanyahu is quoted as saying, “We will have an answer.”

Cut off the head of the snake, Bibi. That is the answer.


He’s gone bananas over the Trump University affair. Enough.

Published: Wednesday, June 08, 2016 1:18 PM

This voter refuses to waver. I will vote for Trump, but with less enthusiasm ever since he’s gone bananas over the Trump University affair.

Now it’s round the clock with him about the trial and the judge and everything else about it that makes it so boring.

From a man so smart, enough maybe? I’d have expected him to cut off any question on the matter with a curt, “We’ll see what happens.”

To be followed by, “Next question, but only about how I intend to make America great again.” (Tuesday night’s speech was more like it!)

Instead he prattles on with nearly every detail about a case that maybe fascinates the gotcha press but makes the rest of us start snoring.

We are not interested in this megillah of something over nothing. Shut up and give us your steps to save the nation, or else you will lose us.

That’s how it ended for Lenny Bruce, America’s foremost social satirist of a generation ago when he could not stop setting the record straight about his arrest and trial for obscenity (yes that’s how it was in the 1960’s). Government spooks were in the audience, back there in 1964 at the Café Au Go Go in Greenwich Village, when during his stand-up routine he uttered his famous Seven Forbidden Words.

The Law tracked him everywhere he went, often at the urgings of “legions of decency” – whom he ridiculed for their hypocrisy.  (Ditto Trump.)

Lenny was the most outrageous comedian of the day – if comedian is the right word. Lenny was the king of hip – if hip is the right word.

Spare us waking up every morning facing that shrew Hillary Clinton.
He was the cultural outcast as Trump is the political outsider.

He talked about anything that came to mind, most of it about social injustice, much of it vulgar, and plenty of it funny. He had them roaring in the cafes and the dives from San Francisco to New York where along the way he got himself imprisoned for drug possession, mostly that, but most dramatically for humor that veered into the obscene and beyond.

In private he tended to be shy and studious, and once confided that he saw himself as a modern-day Jeremiah lamenting against doomsday.

As Allen Ginsberg took his “Howl” to the page, Lenny Bruce took it to the stage.

The biggest stars from Hollywood came to watch him perform. His totally irreverent avant-garde style of wit made him a hero to the Beats and to the weekend hipsters. When he made it uptown to nationwide TV, mainly the Steve Allen Show, he had to be monitored and censored, just as across the street on Ed Sullivan, Elvis Presley was shown only from the waist up.

I was there that day when he was handcuffed after his performance at the Café Au Go Go. I wrote about the entire 1960s scene in the novel “The Days of the Bitter End,” and this is a clip from that Greenwich Village routine that I remember most: “Shouldn’t there be a statute of limitations on who killed Christ? Okay, we did it, yes we did, my family. I found a note in my basement. ‘We killed him – signed, Morty.’”

But it was the Seven Forbidden Words that got him arrested and that led to a six-month trial for obscenity.

(Can you imagine that these days, when nearly everyone talks dirty?)

The trial made headlines, and the ordeal took the starch out of Lenny Bruce. Now he came back to the same places where he made people laugh, only now we groaned. He stopped being funny and he stopped being interesting because he talked about nothing else except the trial.

He read transcripts from the proceedings, going on word for word, until he lost us. He died two years later, in 1966, but 1964 was the end of Lenny Bruce.

Take heed, Donald. Spare us waking up every morning facing that shrew Hillary Clinton.

(Today’s announcement that he’ll be dropping the Trump U. subject is a move in the right direction, though much damage has been done.)

Sunday, June 5, 2016


What has happened to the USA?

Published: Sunday, June 05, 2016 7:22 AM

I thought I settled the matter with two columns that I wrote about how degenerate we’ve become through transgender politics.

The Obama directive, sold by Attorney General Loretta Lynch as a civil rights imperative, denies every American child the rights to privacy.

Adults fare no better in a town like New York where it’s been decreed that boys and girls must be allowed to share the same bathrooms.

Your daughter is not safe in any school throughout the United States.
If you expect civility, if you demand modesty, you are in the wrong country.

Transgenders, some 700,000 of them nationwide, are less than one percent of the population, but they rule.

Progressives want you to know that you are a bigot if you have a problem with men and women side by side in the same privy.

What do we say about this? Nothing.

Have we no shame?

My cat won’t use the litter box until we leave the room. My cat knows dignity.

Thanks to the depravity forced upon us by degenerate Liberals, the rest of us have been plunged down to the lowest rung of the animal kingdom.

Your daughter is not safe in any school throughout the United States.

I raised the alarm here on May 3 and again here on May 22 in a piece titled, “How Bruce Jenner changed the life of every American.”

The stats for that article reveal that it was read by about 25,000 Americans, which means I failed. I needed to reach all 320 million Americans to let them know that when Big Brother forbids you the rights for your most intimate acts and denies you your most hushed moments, all is lost.

I failed again now that we read this: “The international association of Conservative rabbis passed a resolution declaring its embrace of transgender people, and called on Jewish institutions and government agencies to ensure their full equality.” What is this?

This is not equality. This is not civil rights. This is an abomination – or so it was back in the days when decency meant something.

This is not Jewish. This is not Christian. This is not American. This is an enormous sell-out against our Judeo/Christian ethics.

I do not care how many rabbis or ministers or priests support the transgender mythology, common sense tells us that this is wrong.

Let’s be honest and call it sinful.

To live in a time when any man can call himself a woman and any woman can call herself a man puts us outside the laws of civilization and into the lawlessness of the jungle. Together as a nation we have been declawed. We have been neutered. We have been dehumanized.

To live in a place where the rules are upside down and where each man is his own judge is to live in a wilderness of moral decay.

Obviously I have a ways to go before I reach all 320 million Americans with this alert of what’s being done to our country, which used to be one nation under God but has become one nation under Obama and soon to be Hillary if we continue to let Progressives lead us by the nose.

I’m reading where one mother quit her high-status job at the uber Progressive ACLU when something did not seem right. She made the news. She entered a public privy facility with her daughters when a group of men came in – and that finished it for her. She became “very uncomfortable” and her kids became “visibly uncomfortable,” as she described it to Megyn Kelly.

So she quit. Well that’s progress in a planet where everything else seems to be going backwards.